I hate my job I’m sick to my stomach everyday literally. I’ve been spitting up blood for months. Think it just stopped but I stopped spitting so idk. I hate sleeping because that fasts forwards the time between me not working and me working.
I remember writing some code in 2020 and in the code we had to put our name and a comment saying “property Company X” in the comments. I worked hard as f*** on that code and someone else owns it. My last job owns all my solutions too. I don’t own what I produce and it eats at me. Like I feel like I sold my soul for salary. Because, working for these people doesn’t bring me fulfillment and they own everything I worked on. If I work extra I don’t get paid extra and extra is the standard. Like if these things I’m making is driving revenue, I’d like some of that revenue. Or I’d like to be able to take what a did and sell it myself.
Tired of seeing grown men and women with children kiss up to their boss. That s*** kills me bro. Seeing grown men and women who look broken inside. That s*** kills me bro. Seeing grown men and women who look like and they desperately want to do something different but can’t bc they gotta feed the kids. Kills me bro. My company said some dude with with the company and was trying to get promoted for 20 years and got promoted ONCE!!! In year 19!!!!!! Seeing grown men and women who gave up. Kills me.
Every job I’ve been to have been slightly racist (except forever 21 lol), and I’m tired of making these niggas money. They don’t even pay you a pension!
If I fail I fail. I’m at the point where I don’t care if I embarrass myself or fall on my face. I gotta create something that no one can take from me. I can’t live like this anymore. Like I’m tired of feeling sick. I should been doing this since 2020 I already was contracting. Maybe that’s I feel crazy my intro to full time work was consulting
Idk man. I feel like these niggas took my balls bro. These big corporations own my work, tell what to do everyday, where to be everyday, what I can say, and disrespect me. For a paycheck? Ima f***ing log out
You ever consider finding a start up you could contribute to? Either way, if you could do it for a company and make them millions you can do it on your own. Just hope you have a good enough safety net saved up before deciding to quit your job. Good luck big bro
Just seen this
"My company said some dude with with the company and was trying to get promoted for 20 years and got promoted ONCE!!!"
LMFAOOOOOOO run quick. That's a s***ty company you work for
You gotta talk to a doctor about this spitting blood for months thing first
Can you please put me as a coworker even though i wont work there so i can freeload off ur job?
You gotta talk to a doctor about this spitting blood for months thing first
You gotta talk to a doctor about this spitting blood for months thing first
I do it too, s*** like coughing put a lot of trauma on the body. Literally anything can open a small tear
You should find someone who already does what you want to do and become his bottom b**** for a few years until you have enough knowledge and resources to stab him in the back or just start your own s***. Good luck.
Are you just going to be eating your savings as you attempt the startup from zero? I feel like you shouldn't quit until you have a little something going first. That sounds pretty scary, quitting and taking up a new venture by yourself which you dont know will succeed
that's what the money is for
Are you just going to be eating your savings as you attempt the startup from zero? I feel like you shouldn't quit until you have a little something going first. That sounds pretty scary, quitting and taking up a new venture by yourself which you dont know will succeed
Don’t quit unless you fasho got motion. Or if you living with your parents rent free or some. Quitting on the fly nowadays is mad risky.
Are you just going to be eating your savings as you attempt the startup from zero? I feel like you shouldn't quit until you have a little something going first. That sounds pretty scary, quitting and taking up a new venture by yourself which you dont know will succeed
I’ll succeed. I’m just doing what I do now independently. Just gotta market, find clients, etc. I started out independent contracting at first, I’m just gonna start an llc and go full time.
It’s looking time consuming and expensive so I’m gonna try to get another job to supplement the startup costs.
Don’t quit unless you fasho got motion. Or if you living with your parents rent free or some. Quitting on the fly nowadays is mad risky.
Bro I’m at the point where I don’t care. Every week is worse than the last. They keep firing people when they make mistakes, hiring people throwing them in the deep end and if they swim they give them more until they sink, and if you can’t swim you’re fired.
A whole bunch of other stuff I won’t say in case some s*** happens.
Honestly bro I’m tired of being sick. S***and alcohol are the only things that make me feel anything these days. Weed just makes me think about work. I think my people are tired of seeing me sad and talking about work
Bro I hate life right now. My whole life revolves around this place.
real s*** bro good luck
how old r you
I figure if I start now I’ll at least be able to have something steady by 30
Bro ima take a walk in the rain. I’m not working today. I pray I come back to a termination email.
What kind of business do you have in mind? What’s the question you’re seeking to answer.
What kind of business do you have in mind? What’s the question you’re seeking to answer.
Crm consulting
The question is how to do I manage my relationships with customers, build a website, generate leads, etc.
I know the business process for doing all of that and the technical skills to do it. I’ve seen, used, implemented, developed on crms for non - profits all the way up the US government.
Huge need, huge market, and I just gotta build a brand, get clients, do good work, and repeat.
A lot of work but it’ll be worth it
Crm consulting
The question is how to do I manage my relationships with customers, build a website, generate leads, etc.
I know the business process for doing all of that and the technical skills to do it. I’ve seen, used, implemented, developed on crms for non - profits all the way up the US government.
Huge need, huge market, and I just gotta build a brand, get clients, do good work, and repeat.
A lot of work but it’ll be worth it
Sounds like you got a plan I wish you good luck. Perhaps try talking to some of your coworkers about it too, those who you know got similar feelings as you do.