Was trash the first time cause we was still at work
Tough, Kratom might not really be worth it
In this economy who not sucking d*** or eating a little snatch for some bread?
Tough, Kratom might not really be worth it
Nah I just don't like hood older white b**** head
You ain't letting nothing crack them lips....? P**** on them sideburns?
Nah I just don't like hood older white b**** head
Idk who the addict atp
Also 5 won’t feel that great 15 is where it’s at you might vomit tho
If u have to take 15 of something to get high its time for a harder d*** tbh
I've detoxed from kratom multiple times, and it really isn't s***. The worst is a mostly sleepless night 48 hours off.
I don't recommend building a dependence on it, but it's like it's f***ing heroin or something. Few times a week, no more than 2-3 days in a row (try for less), and you'll be straight.
Also, capsules are an overpriced scam. Just buy the powder. ~$100 for a ki of good quality leaf, which should be hundreds of doses.
It's really not that addicting lmao I always forget this sight acts like everything is addicting as hell even while we have a literal cigarette thread getting bumped
KTT is closet conservative.
D**** are the devil
P*** is evil and makes ur d*** deactivate
And a lot of users are vehemently misogynistic
What's the point of having a job if u still sucking d*** for s***
damn this sxn is turnt up
KTT is closet conservative.
D**** are the devil
P*** is evil and makes ur d*** deactivate
And a lot of users are vehemently misogynistic
i mean…
No it isn't lol just acts on muopiod receptors
No one overdoses on kratom bro it's basically as weak as Norco
Probably weaker than codeine tbh
Tried a Mitra9 drink recently it was pretty good s*** had me out like a light it was nice. I hear that kratom ain’t all that great for you apparently though.
used to mix it into my morning tea like 10 years ago. didnt make me jittery like caffeine so I aint mad at it.
If u have to take 15 of something to get high its time for a harder d*** tbh
It’s great. Not as good codeine or anything, but it’s still excellent. It’s pretty close. Better than weed and alcohol for sure.