  • May 2, 2020

    Ok dis FOXDIE

  • May 2, 2020

    i read all yo s*** on the 2nd page too, but i wanna chime in w a few things, no stock image tho i'll leave that classic to dr lujo.

    part of remembering dreams is the sheer habit of such -- you likely do dream when you sleep, but if you start off your day fixating on, presumably, the contents of what you're gonna do after waking up, you're very likely to lose your memory of any dream -- these memories are super fickle, and that's something i think anyone would agree on. even when we do remember them, they can lose clarity very quickly.

    so one suggestion for that, which doesn't sound very helpful on the surface, is to simply spend some minutes immediately when you wake up to ruminate on what u were dreaming, if you can. this can be frustrating cus perhaps if you have the habit of not remembering dreams, you may end up spending some days trying this to no avail, but the idea is the essence of what ppl refer to as "dream journals", so basically that's all i'm suggesting

    as for peeing in the nite, try to finish the majority of ur water intake like 2-3 hours before you sleep, while still drinking enough water per day. hopefully by then you'll have peed out the majority of what ur bladder's got rite before u sleep and it won't get provoked overnight as much. sadly, age exacerbates bladder dysfunction relative to how we could hold our pee for mf hours when we were kids, so a habit like this could really pay off if you master it young.

    lastly, i ain't got the perfect roadmap to meditating but i try to begin such with 2 principles that kinda reflect what lujo talks about: 1) commit urself to thinking of nothing in particular during the session, and 2) think about whatever passes through your mind at ur discretion. it's less contradictory than it sounds

    tbh i think u should look up some david lynch vids on meditation, not necessarily to get into his style (transcendental meditation, which i dunno a whole lot about), but instead to hear his thoughts on what he thinks thoughts/idea even are (he kinda perceives them to be things that float around in a sea of unconsciousness, popping up to consciousness every now n then for us to take hold of or nah -- he explains it much, much better) i think u may be receptive to his words if u like his shows

    but ya, by "committing to nothing", i mean that i don't go into meditation w/ any preconceived idea of what i'll be thinking about during it. i know myself enough to know that there's a likelihood i will think about certain topics, espc if they've been on my mind during the day anyway, but i still try to at least begin w/ no commitment. i usually accomplish this by rly fixating on how i'm breathing n trying to control/slow it to be calm, n to try to feel every part of the body that's moving as the breath is going in/out -- it's possible to fixate on such so much that u rly do, at least for the moment, elude other thoughts.

    once i do that for a while, i let thoughts roam, which is where 2) comes in. sometimes, after feeling the calm of breathing technique, my thoughts don't go towards the volatile things i sometimes predict they will. sometimes, they still do. in either case, i find they're easier to confront and think about because i'm usually calmer by then.

    but like i said, these thots can be thot of at ur discretion, by which i mean, if you find that u wanna stop thinking about whatever it is that's passing thru, return to the strong fixation on ur breathing. i find it can act as a great return-to-baseline action.

    now, that too will take a lot of practice. i think it's worth it tho. others will say meditation is def not worth it, so just wanted to throw additional info out to you

    Yeah I usually do think about my dreams a bit when I remember having them, but sometimes I just wake up and don't even remember dreaming. Like I actually had a dream this night and just remember the essence of it and not the details (as everyone I believe, as you state). And been trying to limit my water intake the past few days before bed too so gonna need some time to judge the effectiveness and if I need to stop even earlier . Will check out the Lynch vids too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, appreciated Will be starting meditation either today or tomorrow.

  • May 2, 2020

    dont pay too much attention on dreams

    s*** can drive you crazy

  • May 2, 2020

    first page classic

  • May 2, 2020
    Paw Patrol

  • LuJo the MVP of this thread

  • May 2, 2020
    1 reply

    I know this is a thread about dreams but does @LuJo have any healthy advice for someone who is trying to rid themselves of a “too competitive” mindset

  • May 2, 2020

    @LuJo u made this thread a very jovial and useful classic, a rare combination both in general and for ktt2

    Thank you I really appreciate this, the advice you added to it was really good aswell (particularly mentioning transcendental meditation). I hope you have a great day

  • Ezio 🎰
    May 2, 2020

    The exposure in this photo got me screaming as much as anything

    Office looks like the reception at heavens gate lol

    Melanin intolerant version of heaven

  • May 2, 2020
    Emery Atreides

    I know this is a thread about dreams but does @LuJo have any healthy advice for someone who is trying to rid themselves of a “too competitive” mindset

    Thank you that's very nice of you to say. The first approach would be to try and think about what may have caused you to be too competitive in the past, such as events in your life that impacted you in such a way that this degree of competitiveness was the outcome. Now of course, you've recognised that it is something that you want to change and so I have no doubt that you will be able to improve this. Furthermore to be too competitive means to view a lot of what you do as a challenge of some sort. It is good to be motivated to excel and succeed but it would probably be best to a***yse what is truly important in a grander sense (things that you not only want to win/succeed in but would actually be beneficial in life if you did so) aswell as what may feel good to win in but doesnt need you to overexert for, as regardless of the outcome it only really matters in a personal overall non integral sense. And of course theres the aspect of fun, it can be beneficial in many ways to aim to embrace a more relaxed mentality for such things and in doing so hopefully it will improve enjoyment aswell. There is nothing wrong with being competitive, in fact its extremely beneficial a lot of the time. But through a deeper understanding of why you are it will hopefully help you to channel it when its needed while being more content to go with the flow at other times. The main goal should be to understand what causes you to be competitive (which will be inherently personal) and aiming to change your perspective overall by recognising the various triggers that cause you to enter this competitive mindset while working to completely accept yourself and the overall result. Channel that energy to be better but your motivation should be fully controlled by you and used when its truly needed. I can elaborate further if you'd like me to, but I hope this has been useful even just a little

  • May 11, 2020
    1 reply

    OP got some unprotected d*** and now he nervous he pregnant 😳

  • May 12, 2020

    Perhaps these dreams represent your desire for a closer relationship with your mother. You understand the usual beautiful connection expected to be between a pregnant mother and her child, and it gives you comfort having such dreams. The fact that you are the mother in them however could mean that you are putting yourself in your own mothers shoes, by expressing the extent of closeness with this hypothetical child that you wish you had in reality with her

  • May 13, 2020

    OP got some unprotected d*** and now he nervous he pregnant 😳

    Phantom Pregnancy hmm