we as a society have gone too far when it comes to catering to people with minor disabilities/problems in their life.
i can’t believe that a video game of all would be the thing to push me over, but here we go.
for the past hour i’ve been reading about this roblox horror game called “pressure“ which takes place in the ocean getting a lot of flack for not allowing players to remove the ocean from the game.
people with thalassophobia (fear of the ocean) felt like they were being punished for trying to play the game because the devs made a joke by kicking people out of the game if they switched a toggle for said phobia.
there are numerous hints and warnings that this game (set in the depths of the ocean) contains… the ocean and therefore might not be the game to play if you suffer from thalassophobia.
so what the f*** is wrong with people and when have they become so damn entitled?
not everything on this world gotta be catered to, i promise. you will survive. it’s not that serious.
and if it really is that serious, you have every right to create your own game set in the skies or anywhere you want to. no one is stopping you.
but constantly crying about these non issues is getting on my damn nerves man.
that’s all. this s*** just pissed me off for no damn reason so i had to get it off my chest.
i‘m finna link some tweets and the developers apology in the next post
also mods please don’t move to video games cause this is not about the game and more about our society and how we deal with certain stuff
Why not just be thankful you don't have any disabilities instead of complaining about making the world easier for people who do have them
but constantly crying about these non issues is getting on my damn nerves man.
Why not just be thankful you don't have any disabilities instead of complaining about making the world easier for people who do have them
i get your point but this isn’t making life easier for anyone, it’s quite the opposite actually. how do you expect the devs to remove the ocean in a game that takes place in it? that’s like trying to play 2k without a basketball or call of duty without guns. it doesn’t make any sense in this scenario. also, i have had and dealt with a number of fears, phobias and anxieties in my life to know that most of it is treatable. not everything, but a lot of it. that doesn’t mean that every part of society has to or should cater to my fears, especially not arts. (music, movies, videogames). where does creativity go when everything is catered to everyone? it just doesn’t work like that which is what i made the thread for, not to bash anyone genuinely having their life severely (negatively) impacted by things they can not control
but constantly crying about these non issues is getting on my damn nerves man.
show me where i‘m constantly crying
Niggas in Pakistan and Ukraine wanna slap the f*** outta all y’all
pakistan? did you mean to say palestine? the politics section is right here for you 👉🏽 ktt2.com/politics
We’ve really come as far as to post Roblox drama on this site
S gotta pull the plug
thalassophobia is not a disability
We’ve really come as far as to post Roblox drama on this site
S gotta pull the plug
OP wrote all that cause he's mad about a roblox game
no i‘m mad at the people who are mad at the game #factcheck
you ride with that roblox life i respect that
i don‘t even play that s*** it’s about the principle gang 💯