ADHD is an external/society relativistic term (idk how to word it but we’d all have ADHD from our devices if the standards were created 100 years ago OR just from comparing to others who we anecdotally think are wired different). And I have it
Depression is an internal mood relativistic term that (most) people say when they’re just sad (we compare to our own range of emotions but a lot of ppl haven’t gone that low). And I have it
Technically I can claim both for disabilities
Just saw OP launch a kid out of a wheelchair. He was heard saying "go make a wish now, motherfucker". Truly despicable
Why not just be thankful you don't have any disabilities instead of complaining about making the world easier for people who do have them
real talk dude sounds like a prick who woke up at wrong side of the bed
Thalassophobia isn't a disability, but also it's not even a real psychological phobia, it's just some bullshit invented by Redditors
OP wrote all that cause he's mad about a roblox game
I bet you won't say it to his face in Bloxburg
Thalassophobia isn't a disability, but also it's not even a real psychological phobia, it's just some bullshit invented by Redditors
a phobia is literally just a fear of something that scares you, triggers your sympathetic nervous system. Anything can be a phobia
a phobia is literally just a fear of something that scares you, triggers your sympathetic nervous system. Anything can be a phobia
Do you think anybody has ever legitimately sought treatment for 'thalassophobia'? Has a thalassophobe ever needed to go to a shrink to deal with their issues? It's barely above trypophobia on the meme fear scale
real talk dude sounds like a prick who woke up at wrong side of the bed
that might really be the case cause i haven’t slept in like 2 days
but i didn’t realize this site has become so serious. haven’t made a non music thread in ages and now i remember why 😭
Do you think anybody has ever legitimately sought treatment for 'thalassophobia'? Has a thalassophobe ever needed to go to a shrink to deal with their issues? It's barely above trypophobia on the meme fear scale
Doesnt mean its any less valid than any other fear. 99% of people could get by without ever dipping their toe in the ocean. But if our livelihoods depended on frequently visiting the ocean, then you wouldnt be saying this. Id bet money theres many surfers/divers etc who have sought therapy following a shark attack or something of the like.
Im just saying youre being sensationalist.
OP blew it using a furry twitter as his example but he’s kinda on to something. Really is a lot of baby ass babies out there
In the south Ive seen people driving trucks with lift kits with handicap parking passes. Like how is this even allowed.