  • May 18, 2023


    Yes because we have a tax base paying for that. You are suggesting we get rid of that.

  • May 18, 2023
    4 replies


    Nah we not gone blame Ukraine for this bro

  • May 18, 2023

    Nah we not gone blame Ukraine for this bro

    Nothing against Ukraine moreso against

    The general culture of the United States being quick to send billions to other countries instead of allocating that money to fixing their own problems first

    Also military spending is probably higher than it should be

  • May 18, 2023

    Bojack Horseman invented Trauma

  • May 18, 2023
  • May 18, 2023

    This post has left me traumatized, @​mods please move to politics section

  • May 18, 2023

    Tired of mf giving me attitude for just wanting a burger or some s*** so replace retail and restaurants with robots which is impending anyway

    Give people UBI and basic food/toiletries/etc maybe even basic apartment type housing

    Pay lawyers doctors etc like athletes or celebrities damn near so people still wanna do that

    Everyone else now can actually devote their life to something beyond surviving day to day week to week lol.

    But too many other systems thrive solely because capitalism/the rat race exists so whether the above would work doesn’t even matter lol

    hit the nail on the head

  • May 18, 2023

    Tired of mf giving me attitude for just wanting a burger or some s*** so replace retail and restaurants with robots which is impending anyway

    Give people UBI and basic food/toiletries/etc maybe even basic apartment type housing

    Pay lawyers doctors etc like athletes or celebrities damn near so people still wanna do that

    Everyone else now can actually devote their life to something beyond surviving day to day week to week lol.

    But too many other systems thrive solely because capitalism/the rat race exists so whether the above would work doesn’t even matter lol

  • May 18, 2023

    @op you’re right and peoples hesitancy to agree with you in this very thread is an example of the cultural shift that has happened lol. This also exists rn with sexuality in many ways

    Think it all comes to this generation knowing more info that they didnt know decades past.

    Back in the 80s niggas would just say “oh he’s just having a down day” or “nigga cheer up” or “he got sugar in his tank” but now it’s a reason lol.

    And suprise! Take away the fake bravado and turns out lot of ppl are more hurt than they let on

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Tired of mf giving me attitude for just wanting a burger or some s*** so replace retail and restaurants with robots which is impending anyway

    Give people UBI and basic food/toiletries/etc maybe even basic apartment type housing

    Pay lawyers doctors etc like athletes or celebrities damn near so people still wanna do that

    Everyone else now can actually devote their life to something beyond surviving day to day week to week lol.

    But too many other systems thrive solely because capitalism/the rat race exists so whether the above would work doesn’t even matter lol


  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Nigga said social media gentrified mental health

    i swear the collective iq of this sxn drops like 1000 points every day

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply


    Nigga typed all of that cause the 16 year old McDonalds cashier gave him attitude

  • May 18, 2023

    Yall gotta stop engaging with @dedication on most things bro be out of his lane on anything that dont gotta do with (redacted).

  • May 18, 2023

    highkey this is where I’m trying to be. How did you get here mentally?

    Hatred tbh

    That s*** that make u wanna be better than the next man cus ur mad at the world, all the niggas that played u, the girls that dissed u, the times they said "this ain't it"

    All that s*** jus make me wanna turn into a giant an step on everybody

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    that would be decreased too if we had UBI and housing food etc free

    Almost like thats the point!

  • May 18, 2023
    Dedication 666

    that would be decreased too if we had UBI and housing food etc free

    Nigga GOOD

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Buddy said that like trading military funding for UBI, and affordable housing and food would be a bad thing

  • May 18, 2023
    math fifty

    i swear the collective iq of this sxn drops like 1000 points every day

    I mean in theory, his plan would improve a lot of people’s lives.

    People forget crime in usa was pretty low during the stimulus checks.

    Turns out when you dont gotta worry bout where your next meal is coming from you less likely to wanna commit a crime

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    math fifty

    Nigga typed all of that cause the 16 year old McDonalds cashier gave him attitude

    I mean it’s really moreso after the pandemic and all that free money people treat you like you bothering them for wanting food from the fast food place they happen to work at.
    Which is understandable niggas was getting hundreds a week and now have to do all types of bullshit for $10-15 lol

  • May 18, 2023

    Tired of mf giving me attitude for just wanting a burger or some s*** so replace retail and restaurants with robots which is impending anyway

    Give people UBI and basic food/toiletries/etc maybe even basic apartment type housing

    Pay lawyers doctors etc like athletes or celebrities damn near so people still wanna do that

    Everyone else now can actually devote their life to something beyond surviving day to day week to week lol.

    But too many other systems thrive solely because capitalism/the rat race exists so whether the above would work doesn’t even matter lol

    The issue with doctors is not pay it's the fact that there's literally a quota on how many doctors can graduate a year

    We got enough lawyers just not enough good ones.

    We need to pay lower wage employees more and stop relying on machines because atp they Not as good as human employees. Any1 who has dealt with a lot of ai customer service knows its ass

  • May 18, 2023

    I mean it’s really moreso after the pandemic and all that free money people treat you like you bothering them for wanting food from the fast food place they happen to work at.
    Which is understandable niggas was getting hundreds a week and now have to do all types of bullshit for $10-15 lol

    Nigga do you know what fast food workers have to go through everyday lmao

    Dont take it personally I work in service nigga we hate errybody blame the racist old ppl for that

  • May 18, 2023
    2 replies

    Almost like thats the point!

    Im saying we wouldn't have enough money to fund either of those things.

    if we had ubi + free housing food etc how are going to generate enough money to pay and maintain that?

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    Im saying we wouldn't have enough money to fund either of those things.

    if we had ubi + free housing food etc how are going to generate enough money to pay and maintain that?

    How do we pay for everything else

  • May 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Dedication 666

    Im saying we wouldn't have enough money to fund either of those things.

    if we had ubi + free housing food etc how are going to generate enough money to pay and maintain that?

    Don’t think you grasp how underfunded those programs are + how overly bloated the military budget is lol

  • May 18, 2023
    math fifty

    Buddy said that like trading military funding for UBI, and affordable housing and food would be a bad thing

    thats not what i said

    schools for example are funded primarily by property taxes which would go away if we all had free housing

    if we had ubi and housing and food etc free less people would work which means less tax revenue for govt to pay for benefits. That same revenue would now be needed to also pay for schools now since housing is free.
