Why when someone criticizes capitalism does one automatically jump to socialism? Like that’s the only two systems humans will ever be able to come up with for all of history? In an era where we have put supercomputers in our pockets and made cars drive themselves lol
I know you are a socialist so that's why I brought it up.
like we rly been working as species to accomplish so much, we have machines that can do the work of thousands, built this incredible civilization in a relative flash, but for what? to keep working like mad? idk man
we work longer hours and more days now than medieval peasants did bro
If everyone cut there hours in half we would have a lot of important jobs not done.
I know you are a socialist so that's why I brought it up.
Bro do you have me confused with someone else? Lol I’ve never considered myself a socialist and definitely rarely even get in convos like that on here for you to think I was one lol
If everyone cut there hours in half we would have a lot of important jobs not done.
bro fell for the propaganda damn^
If everyone cut there hours in half we would have a lot of important jobs not done.
Thats objectively not true
Thats objectively not true
Imagine if all restaurant and retail store staff only worked 20 hours a week tops...
Now do lawyers, doctors, nurses, janitors etc.
Bro do you have me confused with someone else? Lol I’ve never considered myself a socialist and definitely rarely even get in convos like that on here for you to think I was one lol
hmm maybe but i have seen you say the same anti capitalism rhetoric.
Imagine if all restaurant and retail store staff only worked 20 hours a week tops...
Now do lawyers, doctors, nurses, janitors etc.
ur right after imaging this I think we should just stop trying to improve our labor conditions
ur right after imaging this I think we should just stop trying to improve our labor conditions
a lot of jobs need more staff. If they had to cap people to 20 hours how would that work?
A lot of hospitals are already understaffed
Imagine if all restaurant and retail store staff only worked 20 hours a week tops...
Now do lawyers, doctors, nurses, janitors etc.
Tired of mf giving me attitude for just wanting a burger or some s*** so replace retail and restaurants with robots which is impending anyway
Give people UBI and basic food/toiletries/etc maybe even basic apartment type housing
Pay lawyers doctors etc like athletes or celebrities damn near so people still wanna do that
Everyone else now can actually devote their life to something beyond surviving day to day week to week lol.
But too many other systems thrive solely because capitalism/the rat race exists so whether the above would work doesn’t even matter lol
we would work under socialism too. So blaming capitalism doesn't even make sense. People have been working for thousands of years.
bro u are so dumb
hmm maybe but i have seen you say the same anti capitalism rhetoric.
Again there you go again with “anti capitalism” = “socialism” lol
That’s clever as f*** on their part that they did that to you lol
Dude would have an existential meltdown if he watched a Charlie Kaufman movie.
a lot of jobs need more staff. If they had to cap people to 20 hours how would that work?
A lot of hospitals are already understaffed
if those jobs offered decent wages they would get filled right up
Tired of mf giving me attitude for just wanting a burger or some s*** so replace retail and restaurants with robots which is impending anyway
Give people UBI and basic food/toiletries/etc maybe even basic apartment type housing
Pay lawyers doctors etc like athletes or celebrities damn near so people still wanna do that
Everyone else now can actually devote their life to something beyond surviving day to day week to week lol.
But too many other systems thrive solely because capitalism/the rat race exists so whether the above would work doesn’t even matter lol
Where would the money come from to pay for all of this? Because the tax base would shrink if this happened.
Where would the money come from to pay for all of this? Because the tax base would shrink if this happened.
idk military budget looking a little bloated to me imo
idk military budget looking a little bloated to me imo
that would be decreased too if we had UBI and housing food etc free
Where would the money come from to pay for all of this? Because the tax base would shrink if this happened.
If everyone cut there hours in half we would have a lot of important jobs not done.
Nobody suggested half but that number you randomly chose does seem to hold up your argument nicely, cant have society collapsing now can we!?
One more day off is doable for most industries, and if anything is a boon to worker productivity and overall health and wellness.
Another problem is that a lot of work is not being appropriately compensated across many industries. Profits are there, it's a failure of regulating mans tendency for greed.