Another interesting story. So i remember i wanted to make a progress in english (im not american or british) and realised that i could just watch a bunch of interviews with people, but only ones who interested me when i was 15 were rappers. So i just watched a lot of Kanye, Drake, Rocky interviews and now i talk only like that. I know it's corny as f*** but this is how i learned it like damn.
After some time i taught myself to not speak ebonics or whatever this dialect is called i honestly don't really know the proper term for that (i still say ax instead of ask and slap myself inside of my head).
I even have the accent of Kanye and sometimes i mimic his intonations and because basically i just learned the whole language by listening to him. WEIRD!
Gotta love the language that has so much dialects, and styles.
I guess i should start listening to Adam Curtis now to help myself. Because some day i will move to english speaking country and i know damn sure that when people will hear me talking they will think something about me...
Another interesting story. So i remember i wanted to make a progress in english (im not american or british) and realised that i could just watch a bunch of interviews with people, but only ones who interested me when i was 15 were rappers. So i just watched a lot of Kanye, Drake, Rocky interviews and now i talk only like that. I know it's corny as f*** but this is how i learned it like damn.
After some time i taught myself to not speak ebonics or whatever this dialect is called i honestly don't really know the proper term for that (i still say ax instead of ask and slap myself inside of my head).
I even have the accent of Kanye and sometimes i mimic his intonations and because basically i just learned the whole language by listening to him. WEIRD!
Gotta love the language that has so much dialects, and styles.
I guess i should start listening to Adam Curtis now to help myself. Because some day i will move to english speaking country and i know damn sure that when people will hear me talking they will think something about me...
Its called AAVE (African American Vernacular English)
imagine op out there in Norway speaking like this
this is how most native non-english speakers learn the language tbh
it happens through a lot of the media consumption
this is how most native non-english speakers learn the language tbh
it happens through a lot of the media consumption
True. When i was young got used to it by videogames mostly
I hear little kids speaking with American accents without any affiliations to the US, Interesting how consuming foreign media can influence your dialect over time.
Baltimore niggas
We out here
how many times have u said the n word op
Ima be honest. Of course i said it. Im not gonna lie and act like white liberals in USA by trying to paint myself as perfect. But i said it 0 times around black people (why would i disrespect anyone like that from nothing?).
Another interesting story. So i remember i wanted to make a progress in english (im not american or british) and realised that i could just watch a bunch of interviews with people, but only ones who interested me when i was 15 were rappers. So i just watched a lot of Kanye, Drake, Rocky interviews and now i talk only like that. I know it's corny as f*** but this is how i learned it like damn.
After some time i taught myself to not speak ebonics or whatever this dialect is called i honestly don't really know the proper term for that (i still say ax instead of ask and slap myself inside of my head).
I even have the accent of Kanye and sometimes i mimic his intonations and because basically i just learned the whole language by listening to him. WEIRD!
Gotta love the language that has so much dialects, and styles.
I guess i should start listening to Adam Curtis now to help myself. Because some day i will move to english speaking country and i know damn sure that when people will hear me talking they will think something about me...
White people will think you’re from the American south
hope i didn't offended anyone. i like this website and people here. i just like people in general.
Where you from fam
english is hard enough to learn, whatever makes it easier i guess
You crazy about english being "hard enough to learn"
hope i didn't offended anyone. i like this website and people here. i just like people in general.
this seems genuine, ppl are gonna throw their jokes off but it’s obvious you trying to learn english through its most popular cultural force currently (hip hop)
idk if u use the n word, but idk u personally so i’m not gonna sit here and speculate
if u do tho, def hope u get slapped up by a nigga
You crazy about english being "hard enough to learn"
people i’ve talked to say it is
we apparently have a lot of unnecessary things other languages don’t have which makes english hard to understand for them
Eastern Europe.
Just say you're from Ukraine or Russia noone will bite you for having alcoholic roots
people i’ve talked to say it is
we apparently have a lot of unnecessary things other languages don’t have which makes english hard to understand for them
They are dumb fuvcks then
They are dumb fuvcks then
Billions of people study English around the world, making it the third most widespread native language, and many are enrolled in an English speaking course as an adult or from a young age.
It has been called one of the most difficult languages to learn. Both for learners and native speakers alike – largely due to its unpredictable spelling and tricky to master grammar.