I try to find out asap..If they’re a trumper, they don’t have enough brain cells to be in a relationship with me
Probably around the time when you’re ready to take the relationship into the exclusively dating stage
If you envision a future with someone, they could be raising your children one day. What values do you feel is important for your future kids?
I find it gets brought up in general convo in the first two dates, for lot girls I have seen it’s prerequisite for them.
With religion pretty much never gets brought up, but I kinda purposely stay clear anyone that’s super religious. One girl I did go on date with told me she was Muslim on the date and had to kindly told her I couldn’t see her for obvious reasons.
niggas in here giving awful advice. u supposed to avoid controversial topics like religion and politics on the first date.
Should it be on the first date or somewhere down the line?
there's a difference between 'dating' a person but just getting to know them and when you're in a real relationship
I would say don't bring it up until you feel like you can be with them long-term
i think a lot of women with a strong faith will mention it early though
Banger post
I do it for you
Only discuss politics w a woman when explaining a situation to them that they brought up first or a question they asked
Great rule of thumb. Don’t talk about s*** that will talk you out of her panties
Almost impossible to not talk about those topics early on if you’re taking them seriously. It’s gonna come out one way or another.
That depends how important those things are to you. If it’s very important it should be brought up in the first couple of dates so nobody is wasting time
For me, I’m not religious, I’m not a theist, I don’t care about politics. I don’t even remember the first time I told my wife I was atheist. Probably over a year into the relationship. Topic never came up.
Sooner rather than later
I mean if you trying to build with someone then you have to talk about everything under the sun
Send him back