are these Deathloop reviews or is it actually good
well this dude i watch who always hates on anything new loved it
are these Deathloop reviews or is it actually good
Nobody knows. These guys pick & choose when they want to trust reviews. One minute it's "Don't trust these outlets." & the next "It's we got a classic!" because the same said outlets reviewed something well.
are these Deathloop reviews or is it actually good
God that game was absolutely terrible
Let's f***ing go
Do not like people acting like MachineGames aren't one of the best 1st Person Shooter and to an extent, devs in the industry. They got it with this one
i still haven't played the wolfenstein reboot trilogy
Performance is surprisingly solid on a 4060. It’s weird seeing a warning message when going above low settings but I guess that’s what 8gb of vram gets you. With everything set to medium/high except textures, I’m getting around 100fps at 1440p dlss quality. Not bad at all considering the recommended specs
i still haven't played the wolfenstein reboot trilogy
those games gave me motion sickness couldn't play them unfortunately
hopefully this one does not do that to me
i still haven't played the wolfenstein reboot trilogy
The third is ass from what I heard but I was really really pleasantly surprised by 1 & 2. Good story, great feeling gameplay and it’s got a good length. Not something you beat in an afternoon
they’re saying immersive sim type levels im in
i’ve seen people compare it to dishonored
but not as open but still open
are these Deathloop reviews or is it actually good
Deathloop reviews is fire. F*** that game
i still haven't played the wolfenstein reboot trilogy
Goat games
Apart from that young blood one
Game feels AI-generated
Everything is so clean, smooth, and inoffensive
Maybe it will feel better when Path Tracing is added but I suspect it won't
Game feels AI-generated
Everything is so clean, smooth, and inoffensive
Is this good or bad lol
Is this good or bad lol
I'm not a fan, it feels sanitized.
It's about what I expected for a "movie-game" but I do see potential underneath that which is why I understand the praise
This is coming from somebody who couldn't care less about the Indiana Jones IP, and is purely talking from a game perspective
just doesnt make sense that they're withholding full ray tracing for until the 9th
surely its already done
dont wanna play it til full rt is out smh
Clocked in about 6 hours. Dishonored is probably the most apt comparison, yeah. Considering the playtime, I'm still very early in the game, in the Vatican hub, which is like the 2nd mission. It kinda reminds me of a smaller scale Prague from Deus Ex Mankind Divided. Lots and lots of notes to collect, small missions & puzzles to solve.
Combat & stealth are definitely the worst aspects, but I wouldn't say they are egregiously bad or anything, it's bog-standard AAA stuff. I'm playing on Hard and fights are over pretty quick and don't get in the way. AI is dumb & forgiving.
Considering what's popular nowadays, the game is refreshing. Lowkey, at times I feel like it's almost tailor made for me, with how much exploration & puzzles there is. If u are into that sort of stuff and have gamepass, def give it a shot.