  • Updated Jan 25, 2023 (thank you @hejustlikemefr )


    I saw many Reddit threads on this and think it’s unfortunate the instructor lost her job. Since she wasn’t tenure-track I doubt the university action will be deemed wrongful termination but I’m still curious if the story will die or develop in the coming months

    UPDATE: The school reversed course and are now saying they regret describing the instructor’s actions as Islamophobic

    Instructors are calling for the president to resign over their handling of the controversy now

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 10, 2023
  • Jan 10, 2023


  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    ban op for linking NY Times

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    I think all art history teachers should be fired. we need more amazon warehouse employees

  • figaro 🏄‍♂️
    Jan 10, 2023

    archive if anyone wants to read article

    seems ridiculous considering she gave multiple notices and gave students an opportunity to leave/avoid seeing it

    plus it seems like there was an actual academic reason behind it

  • Jan 10, 2023

    The link you posted was blocked for me. I reached my limit on free articles, and would need to subscribe to read it.

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    idk why youd intentionally clickbait in the title since the OP reads like you dont believe the lesson was islamophobic

  • Jan 10, 2023
    3 replies

    im interested in what muslim users on here think but i will say that whatever communication breakdown occurred for this professor to lose their job is unfair to the professor

  • Jan 10, 2023

    ban op for linking NY Times

    here is a source from the university community

  • Jan 10, 2023

    Imagine being this sensitive

  • Jan 10, 2023
    5 replies

    Religious people dont try to push your beliefs onto rational people challenge

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Don't have an issue with this from the university. You aren't supposed to draw pictures of him and doing so whether all the kids in that class consent is putting everyone at that university at risk.

    I remember that terrorist attack from a couple years ago from an edgy newspaper company based off the drawing

  • Jan 10, 2023

    idk why youd intentionally clickbait in the title since the OP reads like you dont believe the lesson was islamophobic

    I don't believe it was but it's not clickbaity. Its news that was posted yesterday. I had a discussion yesterday with a friend from a Muslim family (she is not practicing) and she thought the action was Islamophobic. I was surprised but respect her view and am curious to hear from others

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Religious people dont try to push your beliefs onto rational people challenge

    …what are you even talking about?

  • Jan 10, 2023

    im interested in what muslim users on here think but i will say that whatever communication breakdown occurred for this professor to lose their job is unfair to the professor

    It's very disrespectful and I wouldnt be cool with my teacher doing stuff like that but it doesnt look like the teacher was malicious

  • Jan 10, 2023

    I am against Islamophobia, but I don’t think a professor showing images of Muhammad is Islamophobia

  • Jan 10, 2023

    im interested in what muslim users on here think but i will say that whatever communication breakdown occurred for this professor to lose their job is unfair to the professor

    I believe you should not depict Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) in any way. But the teachers act was in no way Islamaphobic.

  • Jan 10, 2023

    On the face this seems pretty ridiculous. It was clearly for academic reasons, and she did the best she could to warn those that don’t wanna see that

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    im interested in what muslim users on here think but i will say that whatever communication breakdown occurred for this professor to lose their job is unfair to the professor

    I already replied to this, but I should add. It's not that I believe the lesson wasn't Islamophobic (bc I'm not Muslim and don't feel like I have the authority to make these decisions). But rather, I was confused/surprised on why it would be considered Islamophobic. Unfortunately, I didn't see much discussion specifically from Muslim perspectives aside from one professor who wrote an article (

    Edit: the depiction of the prophet is included at the top of that link

  • Jan 10, 2023
    3 replies

    …what are you even talking about?

    Why as a muslim are you telling nonmuslims what they can and cant paint lmfao

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Don't have an issue with this from the university. You aren't supposed to draw pictures of him and doing so whether all the kids in that class consent is putting everyone at that university at risk.

    I remember that terrorist attack from a couple years ago from an edgy newspaper company based off the drawing

    Lmao so the teacher can’t teach because they scared of radical Muslims?

  • Charlie Hedbo got shot up cuz they was tryna mock Prophet Muhammad

    This school is on some funny s***

  • Jan 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Why as a muslim are you telling nonmuslims what they can and cant paint lmfao

    …because in their religion it’s considered sacrilege to depict Muhammad, it’s literally just a matter of respecting beliefs my guy

    it’s misplaced in this instance because the teacher gave a disclaimer for viewing it, but saying that religious people are “””forcing””” their views on “””rational people””” is literally just fedora Reddit atheism

  • Jan 10, 2023
    6 replies

    my distaste for enlightened agnostics and fedora atheists grows more and more each post i read from these morons

    why they feel the need to speak on religions and spirituality in general with no background nor knowledge will forever confound me
