I used to think I was an introvert but I realised it’s just my friends lame af and I avoid them lol
Lmao low key feel this way
I used to think I was an introvert but I realised it’s just my friends lame af and I avoid them lol
Havent seen any of my friends in months. I just spent a lot of time with my girl these days which is way more fun
I'm introvert but I feel like ppl think I'm just a a d*ck and dont wanna talk to them
Yeah im always forcing convos with people irl so they dont think im an a****** lmao
I'm an introvert but I'm also starting to think I'm an a******
Nah bro. I feel like extroverts are a******s lmao. Always taking the light for no damn reason
I used to think I was an introvert but I realised it’s just my friends lame af and I avoid them lol
this me basically. no reason to hang out wit most of my friends esp after hs but i do feel like i need more male friends to chill with instead of my gf everytime. s*** got me lonely tbh
this me basically. no reason to hang out wit most of my friends esp after hs but i do feel like i need more male friends to chill with instead of my gf everytime. s*** got me lonely tbh
at least you got a gf bro.
I would say the primary small thing that will pay dividends in the long run is this:
when ever you're in a situation where you get that frantic, jittery, anxious feel - like "oh I haven't said anything, I don't know what to say, what are the other people thinking about me rn?" - those thoughts
literally just learn to be comfortable with not saying s***. who cares?! That's just you for right now. Highkey as long as you start to mitigate those awkward internal feelings, people will sense that you're comfortable being quiet and respect it hardcore.
In all honesty when most people talk and talk and talk, and ask things like "Yo Henrik why you being so quiet?" THEY are the one's who are feeling awkward. They're extroverts who are thinking, "why is this guy not talking? Is it something I'm saying."
If you just sit there quietly with a comfortable energy and just smile and do you, people will honestly start to give you mad respect and like you.
So if you become comfortable with your inner feelings first and realize that nobody or no condition will ruin your wellbeing, THEN you will start to open up more and THEN you will become more willing to enter social events and settings. At that point it becomes a positive feedback loop.
Sorry that was a lot. But tell me if you got anymore questions. I AM a super introverted guy but at this point I'm very sociable and successful in social situations. I can make friends and ask girls out. The two ARE not mutually exclusive and I feel very passionately about it.
How do you ask girls out?
I’m introverted and have social anxiety (never diagnosed, though). Social anxiety didn’t kick in this hard until more recently, I would say.
I got two jobs to desensitize myself to it, but it looks like things only worsened. I want to quit one of them so much, but I’m afraid it’ll look bad I’m quitting so soon.
Bro trust me do what's best for YOU. Itll "look bad " regardless cause you're leaving their company lol so just do what you gotta do. Speaking from experience I didnt do what was best for me and it took a real toll on my mental health. Suffered alot
Some people ITT should read the solution to social anxiety by Dr. Aziz
I thought I had social anxiety but I'm just shy. It still helped though
Not necessarily a matter of introversion, but rather something about social anxiety:
Tonight at work, this girl complained to me about her shift tomorrow. I didn’t know what to say, so I said some generic stuff. I hate it.
So I heard this other girl say, “Why is he like this?” That hurts, man. I know I’m not supposed to care and keep it moving, but moments like this make me realize how I appear in other people’s eyes. It sucks. I need to make some drastic changes in 2020. I want to quit both my jobs in December or early 2020.
Go work at a group home fam, you get to chill and get to know your clients and s*** so no awkwardness
asked a girl out p much bared myself to her and she examined my emotions played w em for a bit and tossed them to the side like they were nothing
at least i toed out of my shell though i guess right?
asked a girl out p much bared myself to her and she examined my emotions played w em for a bit and tossed them to the side like they were nothing
at least i toed out of my shell though i guess right?
im sorry that happened to u brother but yeah u got an experience and hopefully you grew a bit and can be more confident from now on?
im sorry that happened to u brother but yeah u got an experience and hopefully you grew a bit and can be more confident from now on?
yeah ngl i feel pretty good tbh, its just like damn ya know.
For those with social anxiety:
Everything's gonna be okay. People are just people. Easier said than done, but it's true. I struggle with this every single day, but today I'm going to do what I have to do and just stop caring as much. Can't let this stop me fro being happy.