  • Updated Jun 2, 2020

    Decided to fact check some viral tweets i saw come up on my timeline today and its absolutely crazy how many of them were either half true or a flat out lie. These tweets have thousands and thousands of RTs and when you read the replies you'd be lucky to find one person buried deep within the replies with like 2 likes fact checking the tweet. With AI developing and the ability to make any human say things on video they never actually said is anyone absolutely terrified of what misinformation can end up doing to us? Its only going to become more believable over time

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    It's already happening bro. it's not "can have", it's "is having"

    Think about all the diseases that are returning because of Facebook and its antivaxx movement.

    That's just 1 example.

    Twitter and Facebook need to be banned, in all honesty.

  • Jun 2, 2020

    It's already happening bro. it's not "can have", it's "is having"

    Think about all the diseases that are returning because of Facebook and its antivaxx movement.

    That's just 1 example.

    Twitter and Facebook need to be banned, in all honesty.

    Whatsapp too. It's honestly mad what crazy s*** can get spread on there

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    s*** aint been the same since I seen them Zendaya deepfakes

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    s*** aint been the same since I seen them Zendaya deepfakes

    Damn thats crazy where'd you see them though

  • Jun 2, 2020

    Yes extremely

  • Jun 2, 2020

    Damn thats crazy where'd you see them though

    they were on p***hub last time I checked

  • Jun 2, 2020
    3 replies

    I’m thinking bout deleting my social media, s*** is just toxic to my happiness lately

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Its also terrifying that a lot of people form their opinions solely based on these viral tweets

  • Jun 2, 2020

    You cant believe anything anymore.

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    Its also terrifying that a lot of people form their opinions solely based on these viral tweets

    I been growing distant from one of my close friends lately because he’s become completely brainwashed by twitter, can’t even have a conversation with him

  • Jun 2, 2020

    I been growing distant from one of my close friends lately because he’s become completely brainwashed by twitter, can’t even have a conversation with him

    Yeah ive gotten to the point where i dont even make my opinion on certain things known to people close to me because theyd give me the side eye if its a contrasting view to twitter

  • Jun 2, 2020
    1 reply

    The vast majority of “informative” viral tweets are easily proven to be inaccurate with a google search it’s comical

  • Jun 2, 2020

    we on some 1984 type s***, its f***ing scary

    relevant cuz i think the message behind black lives matter is getting lost in translation and a new narrative will be formed that demonizes the group like what happened to antifa

  • Jun 2, 2020

    It’s 1000% terrifying have also see multiple tweets along the lines of “twitter is literally the only place you can get proper news now everywhere else is bias / controlled”.

    The worst one for me is people who go on and on about the evils of MSM and how they don’t believe anything in the news, but then will happily tweet out a random photo with a caption and act like it’s gospel, when there’s no verification or fact checking on it

  • Jun 2, 2020

    This is probably the scariest thing I didnt realize until my mom got on Facebook lmao

  • Jun 2, 2020

    Yeah s*** is scary. People need to learn to fact check and vet social media accounts before they like, retweet, or believe anything they say

    I find fake s*** on the daily on twitter. Sad thing is people beleive the s***

    And even if it isn’t completely fake, it is wildly misrepresented to push an agenda

  • Jun 2, 2020

    The vast majority of “informative” viral tweets are easily proven to be inaccurate with a google search it’s comical

  • Jun 2, 2020

    I’m thinking bout deleting my social media, s*** is just toxic to my happiness lately

    do it bro

  • Jun 2, 2020

    2020 could’ve been a good year if people weren’t glued to the media

  • Jun 2, 2020

    Man I have to correct my female friends on the daily. We'll be drinking beers and smoking when suddenly they'll preach a Twitter fact and I gotta correct them. I don't want to be a Mr KnowItAll but at the same time I don't want my friends to continue to spread misinformation

  • Jun 3, 2020
    2 replies

    imo the big issue with twitter and social media in general right now is that it encourages pushing a viewpoint in the most brief, inflammatory way possible in order to get engagement.

    people see a short tweet that greatly oversimplifies a complex issue and treat it like it’s fact. Grey areas are totally ignored

  • Jun 3, 2020

    imo the big issue with twitter and social media in general right now is that it encourages pushing a viewpoint in the most brief, inflammatory way possible in order to get engagement.

    people see a short tweet that greatly oversimplifies a complex issue and treat it like it’s fact. Grey areas are totally ignored

    agreed. ludicrous to think that people are trying to discuss complex social/political issues on a site with a 280 character limit.

    especially when its open nature means people are pushed to say some inflammatory, eye-catching s*** for likes.

  • Jun 3, 2020

    at the same time you cant hold back such popular technology. its sink or swim at this point ... either people learn to research and fact-check or the world keeps going to s***

  • Jun 3, 2020
    1 reply

    I’m thinking bout deleting my social media, s*** is just toxic to my happiness lately

    have you posted anything regarding the killing of George Floyd on your social media or have you stayed silent?

    because if you havent said anything then you're the toxic one buddy

    troll post