Yep and knowing the time it will take to make those who are misinformed unlearn the bs is terrifying for me.
Like how long it took before europeans realized you couldnt fall off the earth.
I’m thinking bout deleting my social media, s*** is just toxic to my happiness lately
i still have it to check briefly and message friends but i haven’t posted on anything in months and barely use it. i can’t recommend it enough. s*** is just draining
Was just thinking about this earlier when my mom showed mr a picture she saw on WhatsApp about george floyd
i saw this tweet today and it made me really sad, people don’t understand the echo chamber they live in. and they don’t know how to find legitimate news so they think twitter is that
Wish civics and social studies was still in schools and received proper funding on the advancements in society cuz the new generation is gonna f***ing need that badly
Wish civics and social studies was still in schools and received proper funding on the advancements in society cuz the new generation is gonna f***ing need that badly
its still in some schools but mostly in wealthy residential areas
i saw this tweet today and it made me really sad, people don’t understand the echo chamber they live in. and they don’t know how to find legitimate news so they think twitter is that tweet
Honestly the real problem is Americans are dumb enough to just see something someone said literally anywhere online and automatically believe it. Then because there's so many of them these people control the discourse.
Twitter is not a news source. People will be confident as f*** in what their talking about but not even willing to read a news article.
It's super dangerous. It's crazy too because people could fact check most things in 5 seconds with a google search too
I'm seeing a lot of half truths spreading now about the Civil Rights Act only passing after MLKs assassination and rioting smh
Believe only in what you see and experience first hand, everything else may or may not be true.
imo the big issue with twitter and social media in general right now is that it encourages pushing a viewpoint in the most brief, inflammatory way possible in order to get engagement.
people see a short tweet that greatly oversimplifies a complex issue and treat it like it’s fact. Grey areas are totally ignored
i saw this tweet today and it made me really sad, people don’t understand the echo chamber they live in. and they don’t know how to find legitimate news so they think twitter is that f***in yikes
It's super dangerous. It's crazy too because people could fact check most things in 5 seconds with a google search too
I'm seeing a lot of half truths spreading now about the Civil Rights Act only passing after MLKs assassination and rioting smh
I feel like theres a lot of people under the belief that if something has a lot of RTs it must be true. Or if the person tweeting it has the same beliefs as me it must be true
i saw this tweet today and it made me really sad, people don’t understand the echo chamber they live in. and they don’t know how to find legitimate news so they think twitter is that are terrifying
Replies are terrifying so disheartening
Finally a thread with sane people. The disinfo war on social media right now is insane. I’d say maybe 95% of social media users do not care to fact check or question anything they see. They are easily tricked into believing certain narratives that reinforce their beliefs.
You have various factions with different although sometimes similar objectives using social media and reddit as their battle ground.
Right now we have white supremacists, russians, Chinese communist party, anarchists, alt-right, democrats, republicans and more spreading misinformation at the moment.
This s*** is f***ing overwhelming man... i don’t know what's the truth is or what to believe in these days. maybe i just need to cut off everything and read a book.
The b****es that are mad about us being mad are the most dangerous. They plant the idea in these little ones minds. Kids tend to side with their parents mentality. I have a mixed family, and lately have had to correct my in laws. Once certain white people feel like victims watch out. I don't need this stress. I'm not an angry individual but this week is testing me.
It’d very concerning and unfortunately I don’t think it’s ever going to improve.
Because of the internet and social media there is so much niche content/news out there that people can basically create their own realities where only the facts they want to believe are true.
It’s nothing new. There’s always been bias and falsehoods in media, but now just about anything goes and people continue to retreat to their corners and only seeking out the content that reaffirms their beliefs. Content will only get more niche in the future and we gonna start seeing even more wild articles/tweets
Stop using facebook, twitter reddit etc.
And most of all
You're right! From now on I'm only using fox news!!