Good album but idk who it inspired or looks up to it lol
influence is pretty hard to measure
Raps Ok Computer
Raps Ok Computer
the ok computer comparison is bc of subject matter and themes and the fact that it's a whole concept album abt technology and its impact on human social life.
if someone said "name me a rap album that best matches ok computer, thematically" what would u say other than BTI? I mean there's not rlly any other choices. and if u can think of any other album im pretty sure BTI would still be better than whatever u come up with.
point being yea it sounds pretentious/crazy if u assume he's speaking in terms of influence or sound, but it actually makes a lot of sense if u realize he means thematically.
if u actually cant grasp this ur either stupid or a blinded hater
No, but regardless, it's a masterpiece and his best work imo. There's no other album that is like it, that's what makes it so unique, and makes Donald/Bino stand out as an artist.
In the self interview Glover called his sophomore album influential. While it is one of my favorite albums of all time, I really can't think of what influence it has had
you said it was an instant classic Peggy
This is now an OK Computer appreciation thread
! Radiohead song btw
This is now an OK Computer appreciation thread
! get it
Wow incredible insight. No artist has ever done that before and Childish Gambino is definitely the originator of the character act. After Hours simply would not be possible with Bino's OK Computer level contributions!
When did I say any of that.
Objectively - bino was doing it before abel that’s fact whether u like it or not. We’ll never know if it inspired him or not but it’s not insane to draw that parallel.
No, I think it was much more influenced than influential but still one of the best albums of that decade
When did I say any of that.
Objectively - bino was doing it before abel that’s fact whether u like it or not. We’ll never know if it inspired him or not but it’s not insane to draw that parallel.
The difference is, no one knows "The Boy". When I think of BTI no striking image comes to memory like Abel with After Hours.
Yea he did a screenplay for the album. Cool. He's a film guy. He's super talented (all-around), we get that. But he never did anything spectacular for hip hop.
If there’s another wave of backpack rappers after the new street rap wave ends then I can see it influencing that generation.
When did I say any of that.
Objectively - bino was doing it before abel that’s fact whether u like it or not. We’ll never know if it inspired him or not but it’s not insane to draw that parallel.
I do think the album is great and the whole world Bino built was phenomenal,tho I don't see it influencing Weeknds stuff.
Its mostly Prince and Bowie,hes spoken about it before,especially starting from Starboy(Starman) onwards
Ain’t even a classic but KTT nerds that lacked social life’s at the time was listening to that album everyday when it dropped and think it’s a classic
7/10 at best