I plan on taking a trip to Japan here soon maybe
I’ve always favored asian ladies and I’ve been learning japanese in my spare time as of late
こんにちはサー <— means hello sir in japanese 😅
I compartmentalize my sexual ideations and desires separately from what I seek in a relationship
Completely unrelated facets of me
Troll thread. Typing like he's Macbeth
Troll thread. Typing like he's Macbeth
So now proper grammar is predicated as being a troll
Seems like you lot are trolling me, won’t be addressing it anymore
I plan on taking a trip to Japan here soon maybe
I’ve always favored asian ladies and I’ve been learning japanese in my spare time as of late
こんにちはサー <— means hello sir in japanese 😅
So now proper grammar is predicated as being a troll
Seems like you lot are trolling me, won’t be addressing it anymore
it’s 2021 bruh being a “nice guy” with girls is a whole different meaning than being a good person as human
how on earth are you guys getting 1 sentence into the thread without realizing its a troll
This thread is definitely a social experiment
it’s 2021 bruh being a “nice guy” with girls is a whole different meaning than being a good person as human
So what’s the line then?
I think I’m a gentleman to all, not just ladies.
This thread is definitely a social experiment
More like a social a***ysis and dissection
Not really anymore
Used to wear a feather tipped bowler cap for a bit when I was studying at university but I’ve been growing my hair out recently and I find it hard to keep it sitting how I want given the obstruction of my longer hair now
you know what this might be real due to this being an actual sight at college for me
you know what this might be real due to this being an actual sight at college for me
Lol this looks exactly like the one I used to wear
Did you go to university in the midwest? Could’ve very well been me you seen if so
"Lmfao ppl are so f***in dumb outside of this section
minimal effort u can troll easily"
OP a bozo. Felt bad for you too lmao
"Lmfao ppl are so f***in dumb outside of this section
minimal effort u can troll easily"
OP a bozo. Felt bad for you too lmao
What do you mean
Feel like this thread was perceived poorly by a lot for whatever reason
If it doesn’t get deleted or locked again I’m hoping we can pick this up tomorrow when the user base is more active
Have a great rest of your night everyone, thanks to all for the advice given so far
Yall watch too much TV and s*** man
The dating game irl is literally just trial and error. The hard part of dating is not finding someone, it's finding the right one
Also no one is truly ugly
If you take care of yourself and you're disciplined you'll be attractive
Yeah ofc there are people who sadly have deformations and s*** like that
But most of you are fine and just need to improve yourselves a bit
I have a girl who I’m way too needy/available for. I can tell it’s a major turnoff to her but she keeps letting me hangout so whatever. This week I didn’t hit her up for Halloween even tho I said
I might. Hung out with another girl instead who I’m trying to not make the same mistakes with.
Live and learn
Just work out tbh
If you work out hard enough all this petty overthinking s*** gets washed away in the intensity of the workout. It’s like therapy.
There’s plenty of women that like nice guys what the f*** do y’all be talking about
where are they?
Live and learn
Just work out tbh
If you work out hard enough all this petty overthinking s*** gets washed away in the intensity of the workout. It’s like therapy.
Feel like people mask with problems with exercising
Is it fixing the problem or is it putting a band aid over it?
Feel like people mask with problems with exercising
Is it fixing the problem or is it putting a band aid over it?
When u put urself through something intense like that it gives a new perspective on what’s important and what’s not. Also builds confidence/looks and you’ll get more attention so you feel less of a need to be a nice guy. You’ll have more options.