I mean don't get me wrong, he's still quite huge, but I feel like Biebs overshadowed him for a good while
For most people you are as good as your last album, and “Man Of The Woods” didn’t leave a good impression
Idk man. If anything this era showed me that if you got that fanbase behind you, you can be big no matter what. Don’t know what happened with JT but it seems to have dwindled, besides the fact that people still revere his old s***
He went 3 for 3 then dropped a sorta lack luster album when he didnt even need to, then took a big break and dropped a straight up bad album then took another big break
And during that big break a lot of people started putting him under a microscope due to his interactions w Britney Spears and Janet Jackson
Plus he’s genuinely getting up there in age
So yea
Then who’s the reason Bieber isn’t as big anymore?
Maybe not as hot as before but he is still doing great
#4 in the world
For most people you are as good as your last album, and “Man Of The Woods” didn’t leave a good impression
great post
Maybe not as hot as before but he is still doing great
#4 in the world
I thought he was struggling there till he caught a hit with Peaches but there’s no arguing with the oyentes mensuales
Maybe not as hot as before but he is still doing great
#4 in the world
Bieber and Drake are the last teen stars from a different era, they beneficted a lot from that
Actually Ariana as well but yea
have it your way
i feed
your appetite
Classic song
Bieber and Drake are the last teen stars from a different era, they beneficted a lot from that
Actually Ariana as well but yea
Miley Cyrus doing numbers rn too
Miley Cyrus doing numbers rn too
Oh yea forgot about her
Selena seems the least successful from that group but she's also doing numbers with the Calm Down remix
For most people you are as good as your last album, and “Man Of The Woods” didn’t leave a good impression
It was right before that album dropped that everyone started hating him though. I think young Gen Z discovered the Janet incident around that time and tried to cancel him for it
Then who’s the reason Bieber isn’t as big anymore?
Harry Styles
Then who’s the reason Bieber isn’t as big anymore?
Changes, the album
Also, his comeback single was Yummy. That should say enough
For most people you are as good as your last album, and “Man Of The Woods” didn’t leave a good impression
Man of the woods overhated
Then who’s the reason Bieber isn’t as big anymore?
Realistically he wasn’t going to stay at Purpose levels of popularity forever. That was a perfect storm and he’s doing just fine in his lane to this day.
He went 3 for 3 then dropped a sorta lack luster album when he didnt even need to, then took a big break and dropped a straight up bad album then took another big break
And during that big break a lot of people started putting him under a microscope due to his interactions w Britney Spears and Janet Jackson
Plus he’s genuinely getting up there in age
So yea
I never understood why people were mad at HIM for the Janet thing?
Same for Britney? What did he do to her?