  • Jan 18, 2023


    gambino didn’t even get on till he was like 30

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Maybe not as hot as before but he is still doing great

    #4 in the world

    weirdly this is mostly global, stream wise I don't even think he's top 10 in the US anymore. His fall off in the US is a bit odd

  • mangotflu

    weirdly this is mostly global, stream wise I don't even think he's top 10 in the US anymore. His fall off in the US is a bit odd

    I mean that was always gonna happen. He made teeny bop songs that his fanbase grew out of

    Plus the complaint was always that he’s immensely talented but couldn’t craft an album to save his life

    Timberlake was making music that appealed to all races, genders and ages (well, at least after the NSync era)

  • Antidote

    For most people you are as good as your last album, and “Man Of The Woods” didn’t leave a good impression

    Damn a thread that’s answered within the first reply….lol but at this point I think it’s just a matter of him finding that creative spark again. He isn’t gonna drop an album just to drop an album.

    That’s why although I personally liked MOTW, despite some of the worst tracks of his discography, I have faith his next album will be similar to the beginnings of 20/20 where him and Timbo just hunkered down and experimented in the studio with no end goal in sight. Just creating.

    And he damn sure isn’t making the mistake of letting the Neptunes carry an album with a sound they’ve never done before….”Americana country folk meets 808’s” like come on

  • Jan 18, 2023

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Purpose still classic

    Of course

  • Jan 18, 2023

    i think unfortunately he is in label limbo now. the label doesnt know what to do with JT because his star has shrunk significantly since 2018. not sure if they want to invest big money in his new album. i bet things will be more lowkey next time.

    lol it's still JT and Timbo. They don't need a crazy investment to make a classic record. They're both exceptional musicians.

  • Jan 18, 2023

    I never understood why people were mad at HIM for the Janet thing?

    Same for Britney? What did he do to her?

    Janet im not sure that whole situation has confused me on why that was ever a big deal in the first place i thought it was an accident? But honestly idk enough about the situation but they said Justin didn’t support her during the backlash and made jokes about it but it really hurt Janet’s career which is so odd to me but different times ig

    As far as Britney I guess he was just petty to her during their break up but that s*** was dead ass like 20 years ago idk why people still care

  • Jan 18, 2023

    not his strongest single but Its aight I never noticed there was low moaning during parts of the song

    MOTW gets too much hate tbh

    Midnight Summer Jam
    Higher Higher
    Morning Light
    Say Something
    Breeze Off The Pond
    Livin’ Off The Land

    People never gave that album a chance and just blindly hated

  • Jan 18, 2023

    I love that song with Chris Stapleton from his Man of the Woods album

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Peaked with Journals imo

  • Jan 18, 2023

    I never understood why people were mad at HIM for the Janet thing?

    Same for Britney? What did he do to her?

  • Jan 18, 2023

    I agree the hate was stupid... I assume it's because JT took distance from the incident and it was pinned entirely on Janet and he didn't come to her defense... but TF... at that point he was way newer artist and less established than her and his team probably told him to shut up


    It wasn’t really fair the hate he got. Whenever I would ask, nobody could articulate as to exactly WHY they were mad at JT and what he’d DONE to Janet.

  • Jan 18, 2023



  • Jan 18, 2023

    Bieber didn’t make anything as hard as 20/20 experience

    Timbaland was cooking like no other he put his last drops of greatness in there

  • Jan 18, 2023
    mr get dough

    He went 3 for 3 then dropped a sorta lack luster album when he didnt even need to, then took a big break and dropped a straight up bad album then took another big break

    And during that big break a lot of people started putting him under a microscope due to his interactions w Britney Spears and Janet Jackson

    Plus he’s genuinely getting up there in age

    So yea

    The Calvin Harris song is genuinely good besides Halsey weird talking hook

  • Jan 18, 2023
    1 reply

    OP reminds me of another theory I saw about how Chris Brown blowing up hurt Usher's career.

  • Jan 18, 2023

    Biebers biggest songs are dogshit compared to JT’s biggest songs

    He lowkey stayed relevant through features on hot songs.

  • Jan 19, 2023

    OP reminds me of another theory I saw about how Chris Brown blowing up hurt Usher's career.

    Usher abandoning his core sound is what “hurt” his career

    He was still popping with “scream” and “DJ got us falling in love” overseas and with the techno crowd, but it alienated a lot of his core fan base that he’s still struggling to get back

  • Mar 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Bieber’s best doesn’t touch JT’s first three records.

    JT’s first three are pop perfection.

    I’m a Bieber fan but he suffers from a lack of creative identity. Like he doesn’t really have a “sound”, every project of his is just whatever was hot in mainstream music at the time

    like breezy

  • Mar 6, 2023

    like breezy

    That would explain Breezy being one of Bieber’s biggest influences

  • VeggieKubernetes

    Peaked with Journals imo


  • Mar 6, 2023

    jb is to jt what breezy is to usher both got slappers but both falls short of having amazing albums that really shift culture

  • Mar 6, 2023

    Peaked with Journals imo

    if only we got journals 2

  • Mar 6, 2023
    Gabagool Mentality

    Idk man. If anything this era showed me that if you got that fanbase behind you, you can be big no matter what. Don’t know what happened with JT but it seems to have dwindled, besides the fact that people still revere his old s***

    You’re as good as your last album

    See chance, 50, ect