No but there can be valid reasoning behind the action
up to the parties involved on how to move from it
you're highly unlikeable
im not tryna be liked by every rando on an internet forum
what i said is crazy, but idk what else to say. life is crazy. you walkin your path and thats great, but you dont have to try and make everyone walk with you
if i was in a truly unhealthy codependent relationship with only a trauma bond keeping us together it would have been found out by the couples counselor we saw for a year before getting married. the same one we check in with on a bi monthly basis to this day because our relationship with each others takes priority over everything else
my offhand comment got everyone in a tiff tryna dunk on a c***but what else is new, if that got me pressed I would have left this site in 2015, or 2016, or 2017, etc.
i apologize for coming for your neck a little too strongly but when you're speaking to me like Your Way is the Correct Way and im an idiot for doing thinsg My Way imma push back. again I'm sorry for going a lil hard but c'est la vie. be well bro
stg if i wasted that post on a block
im not tryna be liked by every rando on an internet forum
what i said is crazy, but idk what else to say. life is crazy. you walkin your path and thats great, but you dont have to try and make everyone walk with you
if i was in a truly unhealthy codependent relationship with only a trauma bond keeping us together it would have been found out by the couples counselor we saw for a year before getting married. the same one we check in with on a bi monthly basis to this day because our relationship with each others takes priority over everything else
my offhand comment got everyone in a tiff tryna dunk on a c***but what else is new, if that got me pressed I would have left this site in 2015, or 2016, or 2017, etc.
i apologize for coming for your neck a little too strongly but when you're speaking to me like Your Way is the Correct Way and im an idiot for doing thinsg My Way imma push back. again I'm sorry for going a lil hard but c'est la vie. be well bro
nah bro you good
I get what you saying and in no way am I saying you and your girls relationship is a trauma bond or anything like that.
from the sound of it, it sounds like an incredibly intimate, love-filled relationship that you both prioritize and take care of. Seeing the counselor for a year before marriage and bi monthly after sounds like you guys took the right steps and really care for eachother
my bad if I been coming at your neck too my guy
I wish you and your lady nothing but long life and luck
ima follow you too just cuz you a standup guy
now kith
nah bro you good
I get what you saying and in no way am I saying you and your girls relationship is a trauma bond or anything like that.
from the sound of it, it sounds like an incredibly intimate, love-filled relationship that you both prioritize and take care of. Seeing the counselor for a year before marriage and bi monthly after sounds like you guys took the right steps and really care for eachother
my bad if I been coming at your neck too my guy
I wish you and your lady nothing but long life and luck
ima follow you too just cuz you a standup guy
followed back
man this is why I love ktt so much. nowhere else can u have this type of interaction online frfr
Why not just discuss an open relationship then?
because in some relationships, (like abusive or neglectful ones, or ones that don't exist because of love) communication like that doesn't work / causes problems