no— unless your relationship is at a state where if they found out, they wouldn’t be hurt or wouldn’t care
Why not just discuss an open relationship then?
yh killing yourself over a shawty is crazy cant find the meme but the pic of the gf reading her phone seeing her ex is dead with a new guy calling her back to bed. that's tapped toxic love isn't the way learn to be in healthy situations hope he's just oversaucing/overdramatising it like how when a girl says 'im never taking him back' to her friends but then continually does as loosing your life over punnaan bread isn't worth it lots to live for ktt2 gs
yh killing yourself over a shawty is crazy cant find the meme but the pic of the gf reading her phone seeing her ex is dead with a new guy calling her back to bed. that's tapped toxic love isn't the way learn to be in healthy situations hope he's just oversaucing/overdramatising it like how when a girl says 'im never taking him back' to her friends but then continually does as loosing your life over punnaan bread isn't worth it lots to live for ktt2 gs
i'm saying
hopefully he was being dramatic
crazy to be that invested where ending the most precious gift you have (your life) is your first reaction.
esp over another human who is also subject to imperfections and s***
Nah it isn’t, if you don’t fw the person anymore just leave or just date multiple women instead of being in a relationship.
so Love is investing so much into someone that if they are gone you literally have to kill yourself?
you can keep that type of love my bro
you can't have actual love without self-love and if you willing to pull the trigger cuz your girl broke ur trust then yikess thats cringe
That s*** is extreme yeah but if you’ve invested time with a girl for a long time and she turns around a cheats, I can see why most guys go to that extreme.
i'm saying
hopefully he was being dramatic
crazy to be that invested where ending the most precious gift you have (your life) is your first reaction.
esp over another human who is also subject to imperfections and s***
they can both be wrong lol
That s*** is extreme yeah but if you’ve invested time with a girl for a long time and she turns around a cheats, I can see why most guys go to that extreme.
'I can see why most guys go to that extreme.' na most guys get a big upset (max depressed for a bit) n over time move on over time not end their life
'I can see why most guys go to that extreme.' na most guys get a big upset (max depressed for a bit) n over time move on over time not end their life
Yeah I should’ve of said ‘some’
But not every dude can handle that depression
That s*** is extreme yeah but if you’ve invested time with a girl for a long time and she turns around a cheats, I can see why most guys go to that extreme.
its just a serious red flag if it gets to that point.
nothing in life should cause you to end it prematurely
life is too long and universe works in mysterious ways for you to end your life at 32 cuz you just divorced your wife of 10 years.
you could learn from it, focus on you, become successful and who knows by age 37 you could be in a better position and find an even better girl.
Like.. theres men out there that don't even focus on girls and just live life enjoying it doing what they want being working, traveling, friends and fam
Yeah I should’ve of said ‘some’
But not every dude can handle that depression
yh its very rare men commit suicide after being cheated on would be interesting to know percentages though
its just a serious red flag if it gets to that point.
nothing in life should cause you to end it prematurely
life is too long and universe works in mysterious ways for you to end your life at 32 cuz you just divorced your wife of 10 years.
you could learn from it, focus on you, become successful and who knows by age 37 you could be in a better position and find an even better girl.
Like.. theres men out there that don't even focus on girls and just live life enjoying it doing what they want being working, traveling, friends and fam
I agree
But if a guy has invested a lot of time in a girl or even marries her then gets cheated on, that’s basically betrayal from her part and some of those guys don’t have the foresight beyond a breakup from a long-term relationship or marriage
I agree
But if a guy has invested a lot of time in a girl or even marries her then gets cheated on, that’s basically betrayal from her part and some of those guys don’t have the foresight beyond a breakup from a long-term relationship or marriage
i see what you're saying and thats just sad.
Depression hotlines and mental health hotlines should be more accessible.
I know depression could be terrible and it sucks to know theres humans out there that might make a mistake like that due to not being able to process the sadness/situation
interesting turn of events in this thread but glad most people are n the same page heartbreak doesn't have to lead to suicide much more to enjoy n experience from life than a girl who disrespected you. you enjoyed life n lived without her before you met her if you take time n don't do anything rash you'll live without her and enjoy life again
interesting turn of events in this thread but glad most people are n the same page heartbreak doesn't have to lead to suicide much more to enjoy n experience from life than a girl who disrespected you. you enjoyed life n lived without her before you met her if you take time n don't do anything rash you'll live without her and enjoy life again
he's a good man Savannah!
a GOOD man!
*referring to KTT2 poster and all around good guy mdmadon
your focus shouldnt be on what other men do with their lives either
I’m not focused on your life bro
I don’t even know who you are
If your girl cheated and you decided to jump off I wouldn’t care.
I’m not focused on your life bro
I don’t even know who you are
If your girl cheated and you decided to jump off I wouldn’t care.
reply to me again about how much you dont care and are focused on other things and then ill believe you