  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Majority of people with those takes don’t even support dark skin women rappers lol.

  • Jun 29, 2023
    2 replies
    Fedor Dog Paws

    If it was trash she wouldn’t be supported by Jay Z. You saying Jay got a bad ear for artists?

    JAY-Z made Magna Carta Holy Grail.

  • Jun 29, 2023


  • Jun 29, 2023
    2 replies
    Fedor Dog Paws

    Within the black community being light skin is seen as the holy grail. All the dudes in My high school wanted the light skin girls and they were considered the beauty standard.

    Is this something we’re gonna pin on the whole race though or just the individuals with self esteem problems who we don’t know if they recognize the bias or not

    I think this is a more common thing in young people than adults

  • Jun 29, 2023
    2 replies

    JAY-Z made Magna Carta Holy Grail.

    Ok and? Face the facts they labeled Meg a criminal and labeled Ice Spice a queen. Why is that? Because she’s white passing

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply
    Fedor Dog Paws

    Ok and? Face the facts they labeled Meg a criminal and labeled Ice Spice a queen. Why is that? Because she’s white passing

    lightskin =\ white passing

  • Jun 29, 2023

    Saying Ice Spice is only popular because she’s lightskin is crazy when Megan Thee Stallion exists.

    If you wanna say she’s only popular because she’s attractive that’s a different discussion.

    It’s not like Ice Spice is the only female rapper to blow up in the past 10 years, we’ve seen plenty of darkskin female rappers experience success in recent years

    Even that would be a stretch imo. Ice Spice' attractiveness definitely played a part into her success but it's not the only reason for her success. There are plenty of attractive females on this planet but this girl was able to land multiple billboard top 10 hits. Clearly her music connects to people out there

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Drake's racial ambiguity does not play a huge part in his success

    It definately does. Not to say Drake make terrible music or anything but it's very obvious at times when Drake is cosplaying a nigga with a rough past as opposed to how he actually grew up.

    I mean he used to say nigga with a hard ER.

  • I don't discriminate by skin color. I simply won't listen to f*male rappers.

  • Jun 29, 2023

    Is this something we’re gonna pin on the whole race though or just the individuals with self esteem problems who we don’t know if they recognize the bias or not

    I think this is a more common thing in young people than adults


  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    Is this something we’re gonna pin on the whole race though or just the individuals with self esteem problems who we don’t know if they recognize the bias or not

    I think this is a more common thing in young people than adults

    It could very well be self esteem problems but it’s prevalent all throughout the United States. No matter what state you in the light skin girls are sought after so it’s a deep rooted problem within society.

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    JAY-Z made Magna Carta Holy Grail.

    great album

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    great album


  • Jun 29, 2023
    2 replies

    lightskin =\ white passing

    Ice spice looks white to me

  • Jun 29, 2023


    yes, now...where did that get us?

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply
    Fedor Dog Paws

    Ice spice looks white to me

    okay. she’s not white passing though

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    And it each took how long for them to pop off? Ice Spice shows up and blows up in a year. All those artists you mentioned been making music for like 4-5 years prior to them blowing up.

    Turn Ice Spice darkskin real quick. Do you think she would have that same amount of rapid success?

    Ice Spice was making music for a few years before she blew up. Just cause you found out about her when she blew up doesn't mean she wasn't grinding behind the scenes

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply
    Fedor Dog Paws

    Ice spice looks white to me

    it’s amazing the gall that you have to pick and choose who’s black enough as a white person

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply
    Fedor Dog Paws

    Within the black community being light skin is seen as the holy grail. All the dudes in My high school wanted the light skin girls and they were considered the beauty standard.

    We're talking about music success though. Latto is lightskin, has a fat ass, and got a bunch of industry push and big features. Yet she was outsold by Glorilla who had no features and less songs. Attractiveness isn't a big part in success

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    hoes mad

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Majority of people with those takes don’t even support dark skin women rappers lol.

    Exactly what I said yesterday. They had noname begging them to come to shows.

  • Jun 29, 2023
    Smacked Voodoo

    It definitely has. And he plays into it as well.

    The nigga literally made a song with Romeo Santos (and it's a slapper) come on man


    Then he gotta verse where he randomly breaks into Arabic


    And it won't be long until he goes full afrobeat too

    Drake knows exactly what he's doing with his racial ambiguity. He uses it to break into the international music world.

    Nah you gassing bro. If you seriously think Drake's racial ambiguity plays a HUGE part in his success, you are out of your mind

  • Jun 29, 2023

    I've been noticing an uptick of people speaking on colorism in the music industry, particularly twitter. I see it mostly attributed to female artists, rather then male artists. There are tons of tweets which say that Ice Spice benefits heavily from colorism and is only popular because of it while taking the place of other talented darker skinned artists.

    I don't believe this to be the case but I'd like to hear the opinions of others. There are many darker skinned artists that get popping and light skinned artists that never get popping. S*** SZA has had one of the biggest albums lately. I think colorism is just a non-factor in an artist's success these days. Do yall think that colorism truly benefits artists these days? Give examples if you can

    Am I the only one that thinks the tweet in OP is racist asf? girl in the tweet is nothing like ice spice except that they are both black and make music

  • Jun 29, 2023
    1 reply

    We're talking about music success though. Latto is lightskin, has a fat ass, and got a bunch of industry push and big features. Yet she was outsold by Glorilla who had no features and less songs. Attractiveness isn't a big part in success

    That’s only one case. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
