it’s amazing the gall that you have to pick and choose who’s black enough as a white person
I’m not white but ok
Ice Spice was making music for a few years before she blew up. Just cause you found out about her when she blew up doesn't mean she wasn't grinding behind the scenes
Or you can just go on Wikipedia and you will see a quote from her during an interview saying she started recording music professionally in 2021...Munch came out just a year later. And from that song alone, we saw her blow up.
Knock it off bruh lmao I don't even dislike Ice Spice but it's clear her rise was extremely faster than any other female artist that has blown up within the last ten years.
okay. she’s not white passing though
If you saw her in the street you’d think she was white 100%
That’s only one case. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Bro there are so many popping female artists who are darker skinned. We could go on and on
Bro there are so many popping female artists who are darker skinned. We could go on and on
Name 10
Looks white to me just look at her arms
ok this nigga is a troll. At the very least, she can pass as Hispanic (she is half Hispanic)
If you saw her in the street you’d think she was white 100%
these new 2023 accounts are always predictable
same gimmick
ok this nigga is a troll. At the very least, she can pass as Hispanic (she is half Hispanic)
I said look at her arms. She has in makeup but in the street, with a sun glare, she’d look white. Her arms are light asf. Look at her arms and the guy beside her arms
Ice spice is poppin cuz she sellin her s***appeal and Niggas want to f*** her
That’s why
That’s the only reason why
these new 2023 accounts are always predictable
same gimmick
I’m a troll ok because I’m saying she has a light complexion? I’m saying if you were walking past her on the street you would not know she was black. There’s nothing wrong with that? I’m just bringing attention to the fact that she’s white passing. You’re acting like I’m saying it’s a problem
At the same time, there is nothing more useless than arguing online with other black people about colorism
Ice spice is poppin cuz she sellin her s***appeal and Niggas want to f*** her
That’s why
That’s the only reason why
H**** niggas
Ice spice is poppin cuz she sellin her s***appeal and Niggas want to f*** her
That’s why
That’s the only reason why
Glorilla has sexy appeal too but not popping as much
yall sooo weird sometimes
Colorism has been a problem for a long time it’s nothing new
At the same time, there is nothing more useless than arguing online with other black people about colorism
Bringing awareness helps less privileged artists
If it was trash she wouldn’t be supported by Jay Z. You saying Jay got a bad ear for artists?
Exactly what I said yesterday. They had noname begging them to come to shows.
Certain people on the internet just want to look woke and aware without having to put the work in. While colorism is a legit issue, people water it down when they argue it in bad faith. If they really cared they would support dark skin women to the fullest. It’s like when Flo Milli trend, it’s only cause people are using her as a prop against light skin rappers. You go on their page and search flo milli name and it don’t even be 1 tweet supporting her or her music fr. It’s crazy.
Glorilla has sexy appeal too but not popping as much
Ok I guess ion see it but word
That’s ice spice whole thing tho
I mean, what’s she supposed to do about it lol
No one said she was a bad person. We’re just saying she has a unfair advantage
I’m a troll ok because I’m saying she has a light complexion? I’m saying if you were walking past her on the street you would not know she was black. There’s nothing wrong with that? I’m just bringing attention to the fact that she’s white passing. You’re acting like I’m saying it’s a problem
You’re a troll because she has an Afro and all her facial features look African dumbass
if you think she looks white that’s on you