I also lowkey think that Frank is doing d**** and partying more then he used to and that it affects his music.
I know he drops allot of d*** refs on Blond but the album seems very sober to me.
I think he went thru allot of s*** after dropping Channel Orange and decided to take control of his life and situation and became sober, and then after Blond dropped I think he felt he accomplished what he wanted and was in a better space and decided to start partying again
This post is very reddit but you might be right. D*** references all over his new s***. Of course even dog s*** will sound great when you're high off your ass.
I’m not homophobic. I am against straight people using homosexuality to further their career tho
Shout out tyler shout rocky ahoutot thugga brockhampton
Dropping singles without releasing album information is a gimmick that kills all steam.
Dropping singles without releasing album information is a gimmick that kills all steam.
Let's not pretend if frank dropped a release date this very second the entire internet wouldn't go crazy b
Let's not pretend if frank dropped a release date this very second the entire internet wouldn't go crazy b
That’s exactly my point.
That’s exactly my point.
He cant lose steam, its literally impossible b he could take a 10 year DeAngelo hiatus at this point and be fine b
He cant lose steam, its literally impossible b he could take a 10 year DeAngelo hiatus at this point and be fine b
I’m saying the singles did nothing
But a release date would.
Dropping singles without releasing album information is a gimmick that kills all steam.
Facts. A lot of big artists fell from the top this way.
Facts. A lot of big artists fell from the top this way.
Release dates/track lists/cover art is better than a single.
I’m saying the singles did nothing
But a release date would.
I doubt hes releasing singles for traditional rollout reasons b hes an independent artist just doing what he wants
I doubt hes releasing singles for traditional rollout reasons b hes an independent artist just doing what he wants
Frank’s gimmick (if you can even call it that) lives and dies on the quality of his work.
People are willing to give him a pass on his flakiness and lack of publicity structure so long as the album ends up being the revelation that each Frank Ocean album is.
The moment he drops a stinker, the jig is up.
Isn’t he acting more gay now? He’s active a lot more on social media and hosting orgy parties but no releasing any music or s***, he’s more like Rihanna now vs the corny disappearing persona
orgy parties?
is the anime as good as the manga?
I’d probably watch the anime and then if you like it pick up the manga where it leaves off. It’s a good adaptation. Season 2 should be really fire
yes because headling coachella without releasing an album for 4 years is losing steam
It's really been four years since Blonde?
Honestly, yes. It’s not even that good marketing. Sure the two songs he did drop are great but I’ve lost hyped that he will drop an album anytime soon. The dude is so pretentious. Amazing artist but pretty unprofessional. Worse than the way Kanye rolls out an album.
It’s great to put out different music but it’s annoying thinking you’re too good to professionally roll out an album. Just release a couple of songs, announce the album name and date, album cover, and then a couple months release the album. That’s how it should be for every artist.
Honestly, yes. It’s not even that good marketing. Sure the two songs he did drop are great but I’ve lost hyped that he will drop an album anytime soon. The dude is so pretentious. Amazing artist but pretty unprofessional. Worse than the way Kanye rolls out an album.
It’s great to put out different music but it’s annoying thinking you’re too good to professionally roll out an album. Just release a couple of songs, announce the album name and date, album cover, and then a couple months release the album. That’s how it should be for every artist.
Nah kanye is way worse, i'd rather not have a release date on an album than have the release date and be told that it has been delayed on the night of release 4+ times