  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    Kidnapped (2010)
    The Woman (2011)
    Excision (2012)
    Hatchet III/Evil Dead (2013)
    The Babadook (2014)
    The Devil's Candy (2015)
    Neon Demon (2016)
    mother! (2017)
    The House That Jack Built (2018)
    Midsommar (2019)

    Midsommar is not scary

    Very unsettling and uneasy but not scary

  • Nov 9, 2019

    If you been an avid horror fan the genre just dosen’t make you jump anymore, it’s more to do with it being entertaining than anything so it’s hard for me to judge.

    But with Hereditary the atmosphere and story leaves you tense, horrified and disturbed since it’s more grounded and relatable than most horror is, so in that sense for someone that’s more effected by real life s*** (2/3s of the movie) and psychological horror it hits. It sticks with you longer. Unsettled is probably best word for it, it’s not jump scare scary but it’s definitely one of the most effective films of the decade without a doubt.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Bucky Larson is

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    Midsommar is not scary

    Very unsettling and uneasy but not scary

    Who above the age of 10 is actually afraid of movies?

    Midsommar's vivid depiction of anxiety and social alienation is more discomforting than fake blood or a jump scare. People said the same about Babadook not being scary like raising a dysfunctional child on your own isn't a nightmare. The scariest scenes in The Exorcist aren't the girl saying f*** you and spraying pea soup on the wall, it's the child going to the doctor. The scariest scene in Frankenstein isn't a shadow on the wall, it's the monster carrying the girl into the village.

  • Nov 9, 2019
    G Roy

    But yah as someone else said the unrated the house that Jack built is probably the best horror film of the decade

    Without a doubt.

  • Nov 9, 2019

  • Nov 9, 2019
  • Nov 9, 2019
    2 replies

    Stop hyping f***ing Mid Aster please

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Stop hyping f***ing Mid Aster please

    Hereditary kind of a meme, but Midsommar is a very prescient and important film. Unfortunately, he's too main stream for hipsters and not genre enough for horror nerds. So it's geniuses like me and casuals.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Stop hyping f***ing Mid Aster please

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    Who above the age of 10 is actually afraid of movies?

    Midsommar's vivid depiction of anxiety and social alienation is more discomforting than fake blood or a jump scare. People said the same about Babadook not being scary like raising a dysfunctional child on your own isn't a nightmare. The scariest scenes in The Exorcist aren't the girl saying f*** you and spraying pea soup on the wall, it's the child going to the doctor. The scariest scene in Frankenstein isn't a shadow on the wall, it's the monster carrying the girl into the village.

    Discomforting yes, but “scary” doesn’t feel like the correct term to describe that film.

  • Nov 9, 2019
    2 replies

    Discomforting yes, but “scary” doesn’t feel like the correct term to describe that film.

    Tell me what is scary. A spooky ghost? A big bad monster? Or realizing you're alone and that your culture is entirely complicit in keeping you that way?

  • Nov 9, 2019

    Tell me what is scary. A spooky ghost? A big bad monster? Or realizing you're alone and that your culture is entirely complicit in keeping you that way?

    A spooky ghost for sure

  • Nov 9, 2019

    That movie was hilarious fym

  • Nov 9, 2019

    One of the scariest yeah

    There are some pretty scary Asian films out there tho

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply
    G Roy

    But yah as someone else said the unrated the house that Jack built is probably the best horror film of the decade

    Movies more of a comedy than a horror

  • Nov 9, 2019

    I’d say hereditary is the only scary movie I’ve seen this decade

  • Nov 9, 2019
  • Nov 9, 2019

    Tell me what is scary. A spooky ghost? A big bad monster? Or realizing you're alone and that your culture is entirely complicit in keeping you that way?

    Something I can’t comprehend tbh

    The Thing (original) does it perfectly imo. At its core, it’s a monster, but there’s so much more to it the viewer never learns. It’s this sense of mystery that keeps everyone on their toes and is legitimately terrifying to think about

    Midsommar is great, one of my favorite films this year, but I can’t call it scary

  • Nov 9, 2019
    1 reply

    it follows is ultimately better

  • G Roy 🩻
    Nov 9, 2019

    I haven't seen midsommar so i can't comment on it but hereditary is good, not amazing or groundbreaking but defiantly a good film that i enjoyed

  • Nov 9, 2019

    A lot of haters itt lol. If we’re talking “scary”, it’s 2019; most movies aren’t actually “scary” anymore. We aren’t teenagers and kids(unless we are) with wild imaginations and basic fear of the dark. Hereditary is a great horror film. S*** had so much feeling of dread from beginning to end. That gripping feeling from the story telling is way more important than trying to “scare” the audience in this day and age imo. All the movies I see y’all listed itt also have great storytelling that pulls you in.

  • Nov 9, 2019

    What's scary about it

  • Nov 9, 2019

    it follows is ultimately better
