  • Mar 1, 2021

    Yea you can, it’s fan vote lmao

    It's literally not lol

  • Mar 1, 2021

    What’s the point of this thread

    I think it’s obvious that those are god given talents. Not every one can be an nba all star by just practicing...

  • Mar 1, 2021

    you cant become an nba all-star with luck but you can get a hit song with a bit of luck

  • Mar 1, 2021
    3 replies

    So funny how OP is really not backing off he really thinks it's easier to go through collage, draft, get into NBA, and then be good enough to get picked into the AllStar game than to buy a mic on amazon, search for "xxxtenatcion type beat" and have some fun with your flow

    this wins the dumbest thread of the week and it's just Monday

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    So funny how OP is really not backing off he really thinks it's easier to go through collage, draft, get into NBA, and then be good enough to get picked into the AllStar game than to buy a mic on amazon, search for "xxxtenatcion type beat" and have some fun with your flow

    this wins the dumbest thread of the week and it's just Monday

    Didnt u say sasuke better than anything off wlr my boy

  • Mar 1, 2021

    So funny how OP is really not backing off he really thinks it's easier to go through collage, draft, get into NBA, and then be good enough to get picked into the AllStar game than to buy a mic on amazon, search for "xxxtenatcion type beat" and have some fun with your flow

    this wins the dumbest thread of the week and it's just Monday

    This a dumb ass post because the music situation u brought up is equivalent to a nigga just picking up a basketball and going to a local court to play pick up

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Rapping is what you do when you can’t hoop at a high level

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Rap Or Go To The League type thread

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    If you’re not African, you have to work for yearsssss to even almost get drafted. This question has a pretty easy answer

  • Mar 1, 2021

    It’s def harder to be an NBA all star because you have to have the genetics and the skills.

    There is way lower barrier of entry for rapping than there is for basketball

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    If you’re not African, you have to work for yearsssss to even almost get drafted. This question has a pretty easy answer

    Whole thread inspired by dis tweet

    I just wanted to see how y’all feel

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Hmm let me try both and get back to you

  • BigSteppa

    Whole thread inspired by dis tweet

    I just wanted to see how y’all feel

    Rap is one of the biggest contributions to the lack of wealth?

    Shouldve just not posted fam

  • if you're already in the NBA then it's easier to make the all star game

    there's only been 4500 NBA players in human history. can you even imagine how many music artists there have been?

    but if you mean just starting from nothing one day in your basement and you gotta either make a top 40 hit or make the NBA all star game then you have a better shot at making a hit

  • Mar 1, 2021

    op arguing wit one of his homies and made this thread to see if people would side with him LMAO

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Some of y’all are obviously nerds who never played any sports

  • Mar 1, 2021
    Bow And Arrow

    There's 26 total all stars each year

    40 spots on billboard every week

    Do the math


  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Are you asking which is harder or which is less likely? Both are extremely unlikely and have the odds against you, I’m not sure which is less likely, I think there’s more major label artists than their are NBA players/spots. But sports is obviously a million times harder as far as the work you have to put in, with the music you need some luck and to know someone

  • Mar 1, 2021

    but how many of them top 40s be the same niggas over and over

    doesnt matter

    the point is there is 40 opportunities every week

  • You would have to look at how many people are attempting to make music and how many are attempting to become an all star

    Does playing ball with friends once a week count as trying?

    Does making music just messing around with friends count as attempting?

    Op might have discovered the next topic for some wacked out college professor’s debate class

  • Mar 1, 2021

    Didnt u say sasuke better than anything off wlr my boy

    That was at least subjective

    Yours is simply invalid on so many levels

  • Mar 1, 2021

    I can't believe OP really not stopping that's so crazy

  • BigSteppa

    Before you answer, think about the sheer amount of people trying to make music rn... like think about how many people that you PERSONALLY know who are trying to rap

    what do you think?

    not a fan of sports at all, do the all star games have a bench? if so then its more likely that you can be an all star level basketball player. bc there are more spots. Sports in general its more common to get an opportunity bc it's based around your in-game stats and not really your connections instead of music where you need pivotal connections to certain people in order to succeed.

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    So funny how OP is really not backing off he really thinks it's easier to go through collage, draft, get into NBA, and then be good enough to get picked into the AllStar game than to buy a mic on amazon, search for "xxxtenatcion type beat" and have some fun with your flow

    this wins the dumbest thread of the week and it's just Monday

    you're being obtuse bro. there's millions of kids who think they'll be the next big rapper and none of the ones who actually made a name in music just woke up one morning and went viral. there was a process and grind behind it as well.

  • Mar 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Are you asking which is harder or which is less likely? Both are extremely unlikely and have the odds against you, I’m not sure which is less likely, I think there’s more major label artists than their are NBA players/spots. But sports is obviously a million times harder as far as the work you have to put in, with the music you need some luck and to know someone

    but there's lots of signed artists that never have hits. you just never hear about them. and people grind for connections too. you have to remember there are only but so many people who can help you. I''m sure its not an easy thing to just "know" someone who can get you a song with Drake or Justin Bieber.