I've always been an Android guy but I always felt like an outcast using one. Nowadays I see so many ppl with Pixels and Galaxies to where I think the tide is turning. Is that Android stigma finally gone??
Everyone knows Androids Flagship phones are superior
Apple just mastered branding & incorporating that brand into daily lives of the consumer
Everyone knows Androids Flagship phones are superior
Apple just mastered branding & incorporating that brand into daily lives of the consumer
"Everyone knows Androids Flagship phones are superior"
eh most phones a just a square peice of glass these days anyway, thinking about more then what suits your personal needs in a phone is objective proof you a dumbass
"Everyone knows Androids Flagship phones are superior"
Damn that’s crazy how you famous on the internet like that
"Everyone knows Androids Flagship phones are superior"
He's right though
If you still care about apple vs android wars you either unemployed, very young or have no b****es.
If you still care about apple vs android wars you either unemployed, very young or have no b****es.
the stanning of products is one of the best modern displays of tribalism and it's really interesting to watch
you can have a decent phone (unless you care too much about the camera) for less than $500 now so a lot of ppl switched to android