i feel u @op + ur not alone famo
your shooting up dog food every time you watch p*** or some s***?
that’s very specific
nah p*** addiction ain't no joke bru, a dude can't even open sm anymore without getting some type of temptation from the content ppl postin nowadays
s*** be draining and can take a mental toll, even when u wanna stop, u feel chained up, it's like your body needs to release and the only way is p***
Yes it is normal for anything you have a psychological dependence on even if it's something like p***, it can definitely give that effect
What you're doing by getting off it is called extinction. You can use chat gpt to ask personalizes ways to help get over it, and limit your experience with an extinction burst, hopefully not engaging in spontaneous recovery for the habits
@Danny basically said it lol
@op start a running habit
Have to fill the time with something else
@op what the f*** is it. You cant make a thread like this and not tell me
thank you for posting this gang
your shooting up dog food every time you watch p*** or some s***?
Not a bad combo but making it a habit would be exhausting
It takes time. But yea try to appreciate doing something fulfilling w that time you would have wasted on the addiction
Yeah & cold turkey is usually not good.
Pacing and pairing down over time is better for mind and body.
But if cold turkey is better for you - you cant commit to pairing down - or if a doctor said its better for this case/addiction then you just have to tough it out. Its the only thing.
And if you relapse - just think that youre going to have to do it all over again at some point prolonging the ass-ness of getting off whatever.
Good luck n stay strong bro.