also I think a lot of you guys are overestimating Freddy’s popularity nonetheless His f***ing reach on Twitter
A few pages ago
Fam no I didn’t. Clearly we are more hung up on my approach then my words. I admit I could have said the same thing more nicely but the message is the same.
Ur spitting especially here
I personally think the guy filming and posting it is way lamer but thats just bc i generally believe not everything needs to be filmed esp not whrn they’re down atrociously
ay appreciate that
Fam no I didn’t. Clearly we are more hung up on my approach then my words. I admit I could have said the same thing more nicely but the message is the same.
Aight I'm done with this s*** lmfao you're now denying you typed s*** you typed
Have a good day man like I said your heart is in the right place but that message came off weird
Aight I'm done with this s*** lmfao you're now denying you typed s*** you typed
Have a good day man like I said your heart is in the right place but that message came off weird
Fam I’m not denying what I said but twisting my words of saying keep that same energy to saying I’m telling people to not have empathy for him is wrong. End point is if this is your moral standing then don’t twist it for certain things or videos. Keep that energy across the board.
also I think a lot of you guys are overestimating Freddy’s popularity nonetheless His f***ing reach on Twitter
you can tell this has gone viral outside his usual audience there cos all these red rose guys are replying like 'delete and apologise fred!'
Freddie didn’t film this s*** tho
More people are gonna see it on reddit posted by Joe Shmo
I don’t hold freddie accountable truthfully bc he always posts S*** like this
I personally think the guy filming and posting it is way lamer but thats just bc i generally believe not everything needs to be filmed esp not whrn they’re down atrociously
people getting mad at freddie are missing the point his Twitter is basically snoops Instagram at this point he’ll post anything
That’s understandable. But I still think dude put himself in that situation by freaking out like that. If he cant handle situations like this then he shouldnt be dealing with customers
That’s understandable. But I still think dude put himself in that situation by freaking out like that. If he cant handle situations like this then he shouldnt be dealing with customers
No, the dude did not put himself in that situation. This a very privileged mindset to have, and I hope you never have to learn that the hard way.
That’s understandable. But I still think dude put himself in that situation by freaking out like that. If he cant handle situations like this then he shouldnt be dealing with customers
i disagree man i honestly think that this whole situation could’ve been solved without any cameras
That’s understandable. But I still think dude put himself in that situation by freaking out like that. If he cant handle situations like this then he shouldnt be dealing with customers
Yeah people with mental disorders can't really choose how those disorders affect them. Could you say that maybe he shouldn't be in front-line customer service? Yeah, you can argue it.
To say that "he put himself in that situation by freaking out like that" is a dumb as f*** statement though
Dont really see the issue here. If you freak out like that in front of a customer 9 times outta 10 youre gonna get recorded and possibly posted online. Gotta be able to control yourself or better yet, dont work in customer service if you cant handle stress
Some of you are gonna be absolutely f***ed as parents if your kids have any type of mental disorder and I'll pray for those kids
That’s understandable. But I still think dude put himself in that situation by freaking out like that. If he cant handle situations like this then he shouldnt be dealing with customers
Hows he supposed to know if he never experienced anything like this? I doubt ppl have a plan for mental breakdowns
you can tell this has gone viral outside his usual audience there cos all these red rose guys are replying like 'delete and apologise fred!'
i'm surprised he's even still active on twitter. it's a much different atmosphere than facebook or instagram these days, way more preoccupied with morals, for better or for worse. it's basically what tumblr was in the early to mid 2010s.
i disagree man i honestly think that this whole situation could’ve been solved without any cameras
Of course but this is the society we live in now. I cant say im mad at the customer for filming an employee that freaked out on him I hope dude gets the help he needs tho