Yeah it’s a f***ed up video. But if people are going to be complaining about this then they can’t laugh at the dozens of videos of black people he shares
This is how I feel about it as well..when he post black crackheads it’s just straight jokes and his majority white fanbase doesn’t have a problem with it.
Of course that doesn’t take away from the point that this video is f***ed yo and mental health in America needs a bigger spotlight shined on it. Also this film everything culture in hopes to flame someone is toxic as well
Some of you are gonna be absolutely f***ed as parents if your kids have any type of mental disorder and I'll pray for those kids
How is that a dumb statement? If you freak out in public you know someone is gonna record you therefore you put yourself in that situation. If he held his composure we wouldnt be talking about this
How is that a dumb statement? If you freak out in public you know someone is gonna record you therefore you put yourself in that situation. If he held his composure we wouldnt be talking about this
If mental disorders don't affect how people act then why do they even exist
Think about this statement for a moment. Think about it long and hard before you respond. And then try to rationalize how it's "his fault for freaking out"
Thanks man, I found his reply below as well. Didn’t know he had a mental disorder, I feel bad now. Disheartening that Freddie posted that but it is what it is. It was also a wake up call to the white guy to rethink his job path was with him until he said bald manlet
I get his anger at the person who filmed him but he could've worded it in a way that wouldn't offend other people.
I was with him until he said bald manlet
I get his anger at the person who filmed him but he could've worded it in a way that wouldn't offend other people.
I totally get it man, I’m bald as well
How is that a dumb statement? If you freak out in public you know someone is gonna record you therefore you put yourself in that situation. If he held his composure we wouldnt be talking about this
I agree that this guy probably isn't suited for customer service, especially for something like hotel customer service more specifically, but that's very easy to say after the fact. Try to have some sympathy for people with mental health disorders. It's very likely that they were never in a situation like this in public before and also keep in mind what caused the breakdown, including prior to the recording. I think the person even said that he had a lot of stuff going on in their life aside from a random person calling them a f* at 3AM
Another thing this sheds a light on is that “the customer is always right” bullshit. People feel way too entitled to s*** on service workers just because they’re the customers.
I agree that this guy probably isn't suited for customer service, especially for something like hotel customer service more specifically, but that's very easy to say after the fact. Try to have some sympathy for people with mental health disorders. It's very likely that they were never in a situation like this in public before and also keep in mind what caused the breakdown, including prior to the recording. I think the person even said that he had a lot of stuff going on in their life aside from a random person calling them a f* at 3AM
I think I read that the man is gay too, so there's potential that being called a f@ has more weight to him than just being an insult
How is that a dumb statement? If you freak out in public you know someone is gonna record you therefore you put yourself in that situation. If he held his composure we wouldnt be talking about this
Mental breakdowns can happen to anybody at anytime. I think that's the point ur missing.
I totally get it man, I’m bald as well
People don't take men's emotions seriously
Idk why height insults are still acceptable when weight/race/sexuality insults already aren't
We already have stats and researches that prove short men get discriminated and often have a less successful career etc
Fat people can at least lose the weight
I think I read that the man is gay too, so there's potential that being called a f@ has more weight to him than just being an insult
Yeah that's true, I was just on his Reddit profile, one if his last comment said that he was struggling to find the will to live but that he wanted to do it for his two dogs and future husband. That was from over a day ago though and he hasn't said anything since
I hope they're okay
to be fair...he isn't really wrong
Comments like these and Freddie’s make me wonder if the constant scrutinization of weird white kids is what causes a lot of these kids to snap. Anytime the weird kid does something the masses see as weird or out of the ordinary everyone is so quick to say “uh oh school shooter alert”. I’m guilty of this myself in high school, I once had a class with a “weird” kid (most likely was on the autism spectrum) and had a slight vocal outburst and about 6 or 7 kids literally ran out of the room, caused a scene and said s*** like “he’s going for the backpack” for virtually no reason. I wonder what kind of mental effect that has on someone, to be ostracized like that for no reason.
Food for thought
Comments like these and Freddie’s make me wonder if the constant scrutinization of weird white kids is what causes a lot of these kids to snap. Anytime the weird kid does something the masses see as weird or out of the ordinary everyone is so quick to say “uh oh school shooter alert”. I’m guilty of this myself in high school, I once had a class with a “weird” kid (most likely was on the autism spectrum) and had a slight vocal outburst and about 6 or 7 kids literally ran out of the room, caused a scene and said s*** like “he’s going for the backpack” for virtually no reason. I wonder what kind of mental effect that has on someone, to be ostracized like that for no reason.
Food for thought
but every time there's a school shooting people say everyone should have seen the signs and done something to prevent it
but every time there's a school shooting people say everyone should have seen the signs and done something to prevent it
Yeah...they mean things like anonymously reporting the person to an adult or trying to help them. Not publicly humiliate them.
Yeah it’s a f***ed up video. But if people are going to be complaining about this then they can’t laugh at the dozens of videos of black people he shares
bro who tf does fantano think he is
Im crine @ the authority in his tweet speaking to him like he’s his father
Im crine @ the authority in his tweet speaking to him like he’s his father
calling him Fred too
Yes, the backstory is that the man recording was accidentally charged $1000 on a $400 room. The man then went to the front desk to start recording for some reason demanding the front desk to fix it. Dude at the front desk is bipolar with schizo-active tendencies, hence why he freaked out so heavily. Apparently dude recording also called the front desk worker a “f@ggot” for taking his money.
Why they got a bipolar schizophrenic person doing customer service anyway
Dude was being a prick though cause if I get called a f@g at work im f***ing somebody s*** up idc about getting fired lol
If mental disorders don't affect how people act then why do they even exist
Think about this statement for a moment. Think about it long and hard before you respond. And then try to rationalize how it's "his fault for freaking out"
It’s an unfortunate situation and I hope dude gets the help he needs, all im saying is I cant be mad at somebody for filming an employee freaking out. We can just agree to disagree on that
What’s the point of posting stuff like this? This is obviously not the narrative most people are going with this. It just causes more of a needless divide when there shouldn’t be one.