Tell that to the mods. I do enjoy these Kendrick hate threads a lot
But drake hate threads being outlawed is embarrassing
Only one side is allowed to have bombs
Drake stans get personal as hell with it too, which makes sense because Drake seems to be their entire existence
Only reason why I can accept Drake d*** riding is cause the site is called ktt 2. Lowkey should not have a Drake bias at all whatsoever lol
Tell that to the mods. I do enjoy these Kendrick hate threads a lot
But drake hate threads being outlawed is embarrassing
Only one side is allowed to have bombs
There was a Drake hate thread here the other day s*** didn't do any numbers
There was a Drake hate thread here the other day s*** didn't do any numbers
Because it was moved to drake sxn in like 2 pages
If this was moved to Kendrick sxn on page 2 it would’ve ended there too
he's not washed and mr morale wasn't bad the subject matter just wasn't something really anyone wants to hear. myself included
Only reason why I can accept Drake d*** riding is cause the site is called ktt 2. Lowkey should not have a Drake bias at all whatsoever lol
How long have you been on here. I remember it's always been the opposite. This place is biased against Drake. Yall don't remember all the Duppy threads and the Scorpion hate circlejerk threads the mods used to leave open? It mostly peaked in 2018 but before then there was a anti-Drake bias on ktt. The mods allowing other artists to get that level of hate now doesn't suddenly mean they like Drake I think they just made it fair. Drake stans been going through what yall are just now feeling for the better part of a decade
How long have you been on here. I remember it's always been the opposite. This place is biased against Drake. Yall don't remember all the Duppy threads and the Scorpion hate circlejerk threads the mods used to leave open? It mostly peaked in 2018 but before then there was a anti-Drake bias on ktt. The mods allowing other artists to get that level of hate now doesn't suddenly mean they like Drake I think they just made it fair. Drake stans been going through what yall are just now feeling for the better part of a decade
more stan victim complex posting
more stan victim complex posting
That's a good way to put this thread. Album good and no other opinions allowed or you hurt my feelings
How long have you been on here. I remember it's always been the opposite. This place is biased against Drake. Yall don't remember all the Duppy threads and the Scorpion hate circlejerk threads the mods used to leave open? It mostly peaked in 2018 but before then there was a anti-Drake bias on ktt. The mods allowing other artists to get that level of hate now doesn't suddenly mean they like Drake I think they just made it fair. Drake stans been going through what yall are just now feeling for the better part of a decade
You’re taking about a whole nother site
Also on ktt1 in the days that scorpion would get that hate, TPAB hate was also very common, you forget that album being called critic bait all the time? It was more fair then because both were allowed for the most part
Now only one is allowed
Tell that to the mods. I do enjoy these Kendrick hate threads a lot
But drake hate threads being outlawed is embarrassing
Only one side is allowed to have bombs
I can agree with that
big steppers died cuz charbit pushed back the steroids to 2023 bro, these look like some Goofy from Looney Tunes boots
This whole interview is great tbh
“There was a heavy dose of live instrumentation on this album.
It didn’t start off that way. The more life happened, the more it became cut down to a point where a lot of what you heard lyrically from Kendrick was all done from pianos. Just piano riffs either from me or J Pounds or Bekon. It’s just literally a feeling that you get when you hear pianos. That’s why when you listen to this album, 98 percent of the song is going to have a piano in there. Literally the piano plays a very important part in the sonics of this. It has its own meaning to this album. And strings too. Strings and pianos, to me, you can’t go wrong. I had the task of creating a world that this artist is living in. And this world, for me at least, was a person stripped down of everything, locked into a white room with just their thoughts and a piano. And it is up to me to manipulate the piano enough to where you don’t get bored of it and you aren’t just going crazy hearing the same notes“
Never seen this before, makes the production throughout the album make more sense now
A lot of ppl are noticing how only anti Drake troll threads get locked right away. All the other ones get kept open. I think this will be the reason why KTT2 dies if anything.
"ktt2 dies"
how long you been a member of ktt?
How long have you been on here. I remember it's always been the opposite. This place is biased against Drake. Yall don't remember all the Duppy threads and the Scorpion hate circlejerk threads the mods used to leave open? It mostly peaked in 2018 but before then there was a anti-Drake bias on ktt. The mods allowing other artists to get that level of hate now doesn't suddenly mean they like Drake I think they just made it fair. Drake stans been going through what yall are just now feeling for the better part of a decade
Community hate was balanced. Mod hate is currently not lol.
At least we could freely dunk on Drake and Kendrick beforehand.
Yeah s*** over for him. His next album won’t even sell close after this mid. But artistically he might have some fire when he’s at his own label.
If he’s washed based off MMTBS so is everyone else that’s not Drake
how tf is TES there
Man f*** these bait ass threads. I hope everything in your fridge spoils.
Damn.. Kanye throwing his career down the toilet got y’all forcing hate on Kdot. Y’all need jobs
Drake stans get personal as hell with it too, which makes sense because Drake seems to be their entire existence
“seems” nah it’s all but confirmed at this point
literally had a drake stan (cough Vibe hoe ass nigga) DM me on IG about f***ing KTT beef i couldn’t even believe it
“seems” nah it’s all but confirmed at this point
literally had a drake stan (cough Vibe hoe ass nigga) DM me on IG about f***ing KTT beef i couldn’t even believe it
that weirdo dm'd you on IG? vibe was talkin bout u in another thread and claimed he didnt care now i c he was hiding his hurt
Still one of the top 5 rappers but he dropped his second dud album and people aren’t afraid to call it that this time around
Definitely lost a bit of steam but as long as he delivers next time he’ll recover
As much as I love poking at Kendrick on here (primarily due to his fanbase here)
He is not washed
He still showed flashes of brilliance on the album but as a whole it was not as good as his other recent efforts. We typically hold Kendrick to a very high standard when it comes to albums and it’s just as simple as MMBS doesn’t come close to GKMC, TPAB, or even DAMN.
He’s still got it though. N95 verses should’ve showed you that