KTT2 is washed with all these lazy bait threads
accept your goat dropped some disappointing mid
big steppers died cuz charbit pushed back the steroids to 2023
https://twitter.com/ovrnundr/status/1556671046224293888nigga is wearing the looney tune 11s
why he got them big ass burrito kickers on man
they want him to do a fake press run and post on the gram with duck lips
nah people wanted good music, not unlistenable weird s***
they want him to do a fake press run and post on the gram with duck lips
He might need to do that seeing as the Jesus cosplay didn't work the wonders he thought it would.
A better question is asking at what point is an artist solidified to where they’re above this like Kendrick or even Nas to throw it back a few weeks
Kendrick can remain relevant within his base and a touring force and still be washed to the larger youthful side of rap culture lol.
No but his commercial peak has passed
the numbers say otherwise, he still did elite numbers
he was by far my most listened to artist this yr on AM and millions of other ppl can relate
I've seen him top 1 at many people's lists
accept your goat dropped some disappointing mid
disappointing to you
a lot of people actually liked it
i heard op is voicing goofy in the next kingdom hearts game congratulations
Congratulations @op witcho goofy ass
No but his commercial peak has passed
Currently selling out an arena tour right?
Funny how all the threads criticizing drake get locked or deleted but dumb s*** like this stays open
Nigga that album timeless already fym
Listened to it in it’s entirety twice yesterday lol
United In Grief is prob the best beat to come out this year, from a technical standpoint at least. It’s a ride….but I know someone will prob reply wishing I’d give praise to a more traditional rap beat