  • Oct 30, 2023

    There has been some discussion touching on this in various threads, and thread title seems to be the consensus, but no dedicated thread for the subject as far as I know, so lets talk about it.

    If you ask me, KTT2 just has its ups and downs like any other site. Some weeks are more entertaining than others, although its usually a bit of a snore-fest. I know KTT1 used to have more popular and active megathreads (distinct from stickies, mind you. The badass s*** we did as kids thread comes to mind, although it seems to have been nuked with all of the golden stories from it).

    Subject matters on KTT1 Life and ADVICE section lived it up to its name; it had a much more personal and intimate atmosphere about users in their blissful adolescent day-to-day lives, but as the same core demographic that has been here for approaching ~10 years get older, it becomes a bit more bleak, and common topics that have become mundane to us are shut down with negative reception, despite younger viewers possibly having some input of their own, which kind of prohibits the potential discussion value they may generate. This creates less of an open-board environment for anyone to make a thread about anything for interested users to reply, and more of a club that caters to the interests of old-heads/established users. With regards to the bleakness, this is most easily seen by the abundance of Twitter threads with minimal, and I mean minimal input by OPs who probably don't even care about said topic but are taking inorganic news-station avenue to generate some form of discussion (which never works). I think a remedy to this might be adding a "news" or "twitter" subsection just like the relationship sxn, but idk maybe splitting up all of the sections is a part of the problem.

    All the above things might have the effect of younger viewers checking us out, seeing the sterility of topics, getting the subconscious impression this is a boring old head website, and going elsewhere. But that might be a far reach again idk. However I do know the tamer nature of KTT2 is a natural product of the social-shift towards zero tolerance of x-isms that most online spaces have made accommodations for, by way of tight moderation.

    Another detriment to discussion value however, is the older demographics hasty inclination to label perceived red-flag posts as explicitly bad, with little regard to substance of the comment and them being immediately hog-piled and shunned by negativity. I've seen more instances of this intellectually dishonest behavior towards the slightest of questionable remarks than I can count, and its been disheartening to see this become more and more frequent over time. I think this comes from a place of being jaded, and feeling like we've "seen it all" and assuming the worst of others, often jumping to negative conclusions, and most importantly feeling a nigh sense of duty to mini-mod them to deletion rather than engaging or ignoring them. Its usually the old head/established users that exhibit this behavior, and the toxicity of it can be seen by the immediate demand of moderator intervention.

    I'm making this thread cause I've been on here for a while and genuinely care about this community, and these myriad of problems going unacknowledged for a long ass time. Lame folk gonna see this wall of text post and make their knee-jerk reaction "go outside lmao" tier comments trying to get one off lol + Obligatory poor admin reactions to Ye antisemitic statements give me back my F***ING Ye smileys DORX

  • Oct 30, 2023

    Honestly I'm not even saying that all of these things are necessarily problems that need to be, more even can be fixed... its just the evolution of any community that stabilizes or "fizzles out" down to its most committed user-base. The only way around it I see is a major rebrand or anonymous system.

  • Oct 30, 2023

  • Oct 30, 2023

  • Oct 30, 2023

    Get a job

  • Didn't read but I'm sorry that happened

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply

    not reading all that but I miss when there were classic threads. been years since I saw one

  • Oct 30, 2023
    2 replies

    L&A used to be hilarious bc the demographic of this site used to be younger. So it was a bunch of teenagers telling their hilarious awkward day to day experiences, vs now I would say most users here are in their mid to late 20s now and we either aren’t having those same classic thread type life experiences anymore or know not to share them

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply

    @youngtubesteak2 Said it right when he said in the other thread, "No one is vulnerable about their losses anymore". But you're also right on people dismissing these types of posts as well. The same day the "when do you think you'll leave KTT" thread dropped, we had several threads of people sharing s*** in their life, asking for advice. Authentic L&A threads. And people just shat on them.

  • Oct 30, 2023

    I just blame it on me growing up .

  • Oct 30, 2023

    Forums aren't popping like they were 10 years ago, you pretty much have to be a past user of this site to actively make an account in 2023

    everybodys on discord now or still on reddit

  • Oct 30, 2023

    not reading all that but I miss when there were classic threads. been years since I saw one

    To many people come on here as alts and try to bait a classic. No one believe anything anymore because of these losers lying

  • Oct 30, 2023
    mr get dough

    L&A used to be hilarious bc the demographic of this site used to be younger. So it was a bunch of teenagers telling their hilarious awkward day to day experiences, vs now I would say most users here are in their mid to late 20s now and we either aren’t having those same classic thread type life experiences anymore or know not to share them

    Bruh exactly thats what I'm saying the key to life in any community is a variety of demographics, especially in age. The lot of us are getting older and theres a few youngins but a very noticeable imbalance of it vs long ago.

  • Oct 30, 2023
    2 replies

    Like let us be honest that @BVL thread where kids were shooting him with nerf guns and bullying him deserves to be a classic

  • Oct 30, 2023

    Like let us be honest that @BVL thread where kids were shooting him with nerf guns and bullying him deserves to be a classic

    I thought the same s***, that thread would do 20 pages on KTT1

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply

    There has been some discussion touching on this in various threads, and thread title seems to be the consensus, but no dedicated thread for the subject as far as I know, so lets talk about it.

    If you ask me, KTT2 just has its ups and downs like any other site. Some weeks are more entertaining than others, although its usually a bit of a snore-fest. I know KTT1 used to have more popular and active megathreads (distinct from stickies, mind you. The badass s*** we did as kids thread comes to mind, although it seems to have been nuked with all of the golden stories from it).

    Subject matters on KTT1 Life and ADVICE section lived it up to its name; it had a much more personal and intimate atmosphere about users in their blissful adolescent day-to-day lives, but as the same core demographic that has been here for approaching ~10 years get older, it becomes a bit more bleak, and common topics that have become mundane to us are shut down with negative reception, despite younger viewers possibly having some input of their own, which kind of prohibits the potential discussion value they may generate. This creates less of an open-board environment for anyone to make a thread about anything for interested users to reply, and more of a club that caters to the interests of old-heads/established users. With regards to the bleakness, this is most easily seen by the abundance of Twitter threads with minimal, and I mean minimal input by OPs who probably don't even care about said topic but are taking inorganic news-station avenue to generate some form of discussion (which never works). I think a remedy to this might be adding a "news" or "twitter" subsection just like the relationship sxn, but idk maybe splitting up all of the sections is a part of the problem.

    All the above things might have the effect of younger viewers checking us out, seeing the sterility of topics, getting the subconscious impression this is a boring old head website, and going elsewhere. But that might be a far reach again idk. However I do know the tamer nature of KTT2 is a natural product of the social-shift towards zero tolerance of x-isms that most online spaces have made accommodations for, by way of tight moderation.

    Another detriment to discussion value however, is the older demographics hasty inclination to label perceived red-flag posts as explicitly bad, with little regard to substance of the comment and them being immediately hog-piled and shunned by negativity. I've seen more instances of this intellectually dishonest behavior towards the slightest of questionable remarks than I can count, and its been disheartening to see this become more and more frequent over time. I think this comes from a place of being jaded, and feeling like we've "seen it all" and assuming the worst of others, often jumping to negative conclusions, and most importantly feeling a nigh sense of duty to mini-mod them to deletion rather than engaging or ignoring them. Its usually the old head/established users that exhibit this behavior, and the toxicity of it can be seen by the immediate demand of moderator intervention.

    I'm making this thread cause I've been on here for a while and genuinely care about this community, and these myriad of problems going unacknowledged for a long ass time. Lame folk gonna see this wall of text post and make their knee-jerk reaction "go outside lmao" tier comments trying to get one off lol + Obligatory poor admin reactions to Ye antisemitic statements give me back my F***ING Ye smileys DORX

    less interesting for sure

    but we can't be as wild as we used to, both due to moderation & maturity

    & yes I too want the ye smileys back, but Ye supported Nazis
    on top of that, he made Donda 2

    we got Lil Uzi bowing out the game & Carti refusing to drop music

    most of our favorite artists' upcoming music can't hold a candle to the impact of their previous stuff in our lives

    in the same vein, L&A section is growing stale because most of us don't have too many unique experiences worth sharing or discussing on ktt

    most of the things in my life, I keep to myself

    whereas before, I would freely share with y'all, bc when you're a teenager, there's way more novelty in life
    I sound old as f*** right now, but realistically, my life feels like a series of repeating days with rare exceptions

    feels like the months & years are flying by rapidly, its gonna be 2024 in 8 weeks

  • Oct 30, 2023

    @youngtubesteak2 Said it right when he said in the other thread, "No one is vulnerable about their losses anymore". But you're also right on people dismissing these types of posts as well. The same day the "when do you think you'll leave KTT" thread dropped, we had several threads of people sharing s*** in their life, asking for advice. Authentic L&A threads. And people just shat on them.

    Nah fr its that knee jerk reaction that I mentioned at the very bottom of my post that was the first few posts itt. Niggas would really rather run in a thread and get their corns off than just be an authentic, genuine poster.

    Sad to say I've been guilty of this too because we all like to try and be funny, when all we're doing is belittling the topic at hand and sending the message to other users that this is the average quality of discussion here. I think it something we all have to work on. Theres a time and place for jokes and the impulse to get the like-bait first post of a thread often gets the better of our judgement to just be real.

  • Oct 30, 2023
    2 replies

    didnt read but they banned all the good users

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply

    @op Posting dis after ur comment on online personas is wild

  • Oct 30, 2023

    @op Posting dis after ur comment on online personas is wild

    I knew somebody was going to bring that up and I think thats a different topic from this one. Interesting you remembered that post from the whats on your mind thread from about 7 days go though?

  • Oct 30, 2023
    1 reply

    damn you liked my post I feel bad for trying to clown you now

  • Oct 30, 2023

    damn you liked my post I feel bad for trying to clown you now

  • Oct 30, 2023
    2 replies

    Have an idea. Tired of seeing our childhood site die? Lets make ads and push it on tiktok. Yes this is not trhe perfered users. But it is better than seeing no post being posted for 5 hours at 1am

  • Oct 30, 2023

    Have an idea. Tired of seeing our childhood site die? Lets make ads and push it on tiktok. Yes this is not trhe perfered users. But it is better than seeing no post being posted for 5 hours at 1am

    Site advertisement is a good idea but the potential of this place even more of a popularity contest than it already is by viral tiktokers exercising their influence here is worrisome. Maybe that wouldn't happen though? Impossible to say.

  • Oct 30, 2023
    2 replies

    We’re flopping

    Danny still hasn’t returned