You being 21 posting in a forum full of kids is weird in itself
old ass boi
If anything this forum is old af full of dinos and oldheads
Bouta turn 24 live on a campus and go to school
Let sumone come check me bout it
you barely out the womb at 21 @op
don't sweat it plenty of time left down the road
My brother stayed on his college campus @ 24 when he transferred from CC to Uni and there were a lot of other people like him too
not nearly as weird as the mfs who graduated 2 years ago and still won’t leave campus, chilling in the union going to dorm parties
Bouta turn 24 live on a campus and go to school
Let sumone come check me bout it
Facts brother
thats what I feel like rn @ 21
U straight bra I was feelin the same but it’s all cap
If u died rn niggas would be like “he was so young ”
Aren’t seniors that age lol
Seniors usually have their own apartment by then or live with roommates off campus close by
Grad students often live on campus and we’re like 22-35. Once you’ve been in the game long enough you stop caring what other people think.