Idk I just feel like it’s better to look at tiktoks general influence on the music industry but I guess that’s been talked abt enough
thats kinda what I was going for, ngl the title was engineered for maximum clickage
I’m crying this was so funny
Mods what are y’all doing
ya it makes total sense especially for ppl in my age bracket (23-27) like I was on here tryna find the g.o.o.d fridays songs before I even had an account, then it was leak threads, then it was finding people w/ like-minded interests because I had trouble w/ that in high school and even college. this site made my interest in music feel like something real that i could go into tbh
then once i found music people in college we started booking shows in 2016-17, and i booked a bunch of artists that I had originally found on ktt (kevin abstract and daniel caesar in particular) and then some artists that other friends from ktt had sent me
i had just started making music then and seeing those artists at that stage of their careers made it feel real so i kept going !!!
this site made my interest in music feel like something real that i could go into tbh
I’m telling u, she gonna be one of the biggest artists of the 2020s
its totally natural and ur bond w/ ur friends who have different interests is still valid
and i think when u rly get super deep into this music/creative s*** u will be around so many people who have the same interests as u, that the people with different life paths will become refreshing again haha
but thats all real s***. we ball
yeah i just hang and talk to him less rn cause school and meeting the new ppl
he lowkey becoming boring to me cause he don't got much happening and just a work, club, chill repeat type, so i need some distance
ktt taking over
loll this finna be my final message but nah i really be on the internet like that hate to say it 😭😭 but believe it or not it’s ur life my g
Talk to em