Yea it’s real
Don’t wanna ever love yourself so radically that you’re not willing to make any improvements
Every time i see someone talking about how much they love themselves i assume they have low self esteem
Do you mean the whole “self care” thing people talk about online? Or simply loving and caring for your own well being? Two different thingns
Caring for your self is real
Loving yourself but not improving is narcissism
Yea it’s real
Don’t wanna ever love yourself so radically that you’re not willing to make any improvements
Thats not love thats self infatuation
did u guys see the tweet where someone made themselves dinner and called it self-love lmao hypermodernity is so wack !
It’s the realest s*** ever. Think positively about yourself & do good for your mind and body. It’s work but it’s the most worthwhile thing you can do for yourself.
Why wouldn’t it be,I don’t think anyone can improve whatever personal situation there in without taking care of themselves first.
Or is just something we made up to feel better about ourselves
if you can't view yourself as someone of value why would anyone else look at you that way
it takes a lot of work to find some self fulfillment, self improvement and desire to control your own happiness. 100% real but people talk about it or post about than actually do something about it
It all depends on how your brain is wired
if you can't view yourself as someone of value why would anyone else look at you that way
it takes a lot of work to find some self fulfillment, self improvement and desire to control your own happiness. 100% real but people talk about it or post about than actually do something about it
I say this because yeah you can improve yourself to become the best version of you but people still have insecurities even if they’re considered beautiful or great at something so is it truly achievable if your still insecure at supposed best?
I say this because yeah you can improve yourself to become the best version of you but people still have insecurities even if they’re considered beautiful or great at something so is it truly achievable if your still insecure at supposed best?
I think it's more about the journey than the destination if that makes sense