  • Updated Sep 7, 2021

    Given how easy is is to seek confirmation bias on social media and block out other opinions? Could this actually be dangerous for society given how easy it is to spread misinformation/disinformation on these mediums? We're already seeing the fruits of its labor with trump/covid etc and we're really only 20 years into the social media age

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 7, 2021
    2 replies


    Plus the internet literally changes your neurology and brain chemistry. The effects of the internet cannot be overstated.

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Yes, you can even see it in effect in KTT. Why I don't participate in release threads until after my first listen, because those bad vibes will ruin your perception of the album.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Yes of course. The general population was never that intelligent to begin with.

    Social media and the internet gave them all platforms to connect and influence each other. Complete disaster.

    Back in the day if you a were a dumb sack of s*** or f***ed in the head then you’d at least be somewhat ashamed and try to hide it. These days you can just go online and find people just like you and all of a sudden you’re a community lol

  • yes because with the internet it's easier to communicate

    most people don't form their own opinions they recite what they read on twitter

    like saying Ivermectin is a horse dewormer for example

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Sep 7, 2021

    Yea. That’s why you have people using their 9th grade drop out buddies as a reliable source over professional and peer reviewed sources

  • Sep 7, 2021

    yes especially with how ppl only get news from their echo chamber and whatever the ppl who dont agree with everything they say are evil

  • Sep 7, 2021


  • Sep 7, 2021

    Yes, and it's backfired. What was meant to keep the general public on a good track has just created more liars, due to fear of being crucified by the crowd

  • Sep 7, 2021

    It's dumber than ever

  • Sep 7, 2021
    2 replies

    People will believe what they believe regardless of what the world around them says
    You can argue the internet reenforces this but your foundational beliefs led you to that echo chamber in the first place

  • Sep 7, 2021


  • Sep 7, 2021
    2 replies

    People will believe what they believe regardless of what the world around them says
    You can argue the internet reenforces this but your foundational beliefs led you to that echo chamber in the first place

    How much can the internet sway your foundational beliefs though?. For ex i live in toronto and we have an extremely popular "meme" account on instagram that has now turned political. It posts a ton of anti vax s*** and to my amazement a ton of people around me have shifted to the anti vax side. I know for a fact these people consume news by scrolling through instagram and what was supposed to be a neutral non political account has now shifted their beliefs. What makes it even scarier is the kid who runs the account regularly posts dumb anti vax rhetoric on his own personal account so now you have someone who has the power to shift peoples beliefs based on his own beliefs. What was supposed to be a harmless meme account now has influence over what people believe to my amazement

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 7, 2021
    2 replies

    People will believe what they believe regardless of what the world around them says
    You can argue the internet reenforces this but your foundational beliefs led you to that echo chamber in the first place

    Nurture claps the ever living f*** out of nature bruv

  • Sep 7, 2021
    2 replies

    How much can the internet sway your foundational beliefs though?. For ex i live in toronto and we have an extremely popular "meme" account on instagram that has now turned political. It posts a ton of anti vax s*** and to my amazement a ton of people around me have shifted to the anti vax side. I know for a fact these people consume news by scrolling through instagram and what was supposed to be a neutral non political account has now shifted their beliefs. What makes it even scarier is the kid who runs the account regularly posts dumb anti vax rhetoric on his own personal account so now you have someone who has the power to shift peoples beliefs based on his own beliefs. What was supposed to be a harmless meme account now has influence over what people believe to my amazement

    If a meme page made you anti-vax you were probably anti-vax to begin with.

  • Jody

    If a meme page made you anti-vax you were probably anti-vax to begin with.

    that or just easily impressionable since you prolly never had a stance to begin with lol. sometimes you create a problem on purpose to sell a solution to people

  • Sep 7, 2021

    If a meme page made you anti-vax you were probably anti-vax to begin with.

    Idk man i think uninformed people who are unwilling to fact check things they read with a mixture of constant exposure to a narrative can do damage. Also this isnt just 1 meme account to be fair. Ive noticed that a s*** ton of accounts do it because anti vax/covid posts always bring them the most interactions in the comments

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Idk I feel mental isolation is easier than ever now because of how many outlets can be made available to you in the comfort of your own home

    Pretty for people to binge/use something to escape nowadays

    Before 2000s you were pretty much forced everyday to go out into the world.

    If you had an interest 9/10 it you had engage with others to get into it. (Besides video games) but even then video games always had a place as an escape got socially adverse people.

    Nowadays you can be a complete hermit and even have groceries and necessities delivered by a complete strangers.

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Before this herd mentality was you only having the opinions of your teachers, family, and neighborhood to go off by

    If you wanted to confirm anything you had to look towards academic sources yourself and even then you were risking misunderstanding or just being exposed to biased information in complex/sophisticated ways

  • All you can do is avoid stupid people. I know this is potentially dangerous, but that confirmation bias is a real nasty motherfucker. It doesn't help that people are also prideful as f*** and refuse to read and research s*** that will prove they are wrong. They'd rather just be wrong and deal with the potentially fatal consequences of being wrong. That is entirely on them at this point.

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    Nurture claps the ever living f*** out of nature bruv

    This isn’t true in many regards

  • Sep 7, 2021

    CLB aoty

  • Sep 7, 2021

    No it's definitely been worse before

  • plants 🌻
    Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    This isn’t true in many regards

    Care to give a few examples for me?

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Nurture claps the ever living f*** out of nature bruv