I been told by a friend of mine they have to by water cause their neighborhood water quality is horrible are ppl living like this?
You’ll never catch me drinking nasty ass tap water
I saw you pick up a half smoked cigarette off the ground and smoke it last week
it's safe sure but...
the air force base in town spilled 24mil gallons of jet fuel (more than the Valdez oil spill) near the aquifer that supplies the drinking water for my entire city
so I stay rockin with a reverse osmosis system
buying bottled water is not cost effective after a certain point. it makes sense in the short term but not long term. run the numbers.
couple months ago my whole ass city water system failed or something and everyone was getting like grey water with minerals in it and s*** lmao I was just outside the radius
You’ll never catch me drinking nasty ass tap water
Most bottled water is tap water lol
Most bottled water is tap water lol
microplastic water...
But yea the question is … do you Jack off with tap water . Does ur d*** mind that or do u need to splash with cleaner water on ur lotion/ baby oil whatever you use
explicit direction change in this thread but I wanna know
You not allowed to post your own avi. That’s one of the sacred rules of ktt
You not allowed to post your own avi. That’s one of the sacred rules of ktt
i think it should be allowed if it resembles your honest reaction
You not allowed to post your own avi. That’s one of the sacred rules of ktt
No tap water anywhere is safe to drink, every tap water has microplastics in it
Once was this national news item about it and they had my small ass village in an overview of worst tap water places, tells ya enough lmfao
A girl once told me about her friend who only drank bottled water all her life, then drank tap water a few times and ended up in hospital cause her body wasn't used to the bacteria in it
Had me thinking... what bacteria are we conditioning our immune system to handle and does conditioning =/= make it safe to consume in the long run...
Makes ya think
it's safe sure but...
the air force base in town spilled 24mil gallons of jet fuel (more than the Valdez oil spill) near the aquifer that supplies the drinking water for my entire city
so I stay rockin with a reverse osmosis system
buying bottled water is not cost effective after a certain point. it makes sense in the short term but not long term. run the numbers.
i know im late but this is insane man they were hella negligient for it to reach that far