My dad does this all the time and it's annoying af tbh. It's kind of snobby, but I usually come to the realization that he was right the entire time. I used to claim the strokes were living legends and compared them to velvet underground all the time like a dumbass (i was only 16), in hindsight I can understand my excitement back then but I'm cringing at the thought of doing s*** like that now
Loool yeah I feel you. The boomers had some special talents didn’t they.
I think we f***ed up the whole dynamic of celebrity and stuff. And the oversaturated music industry is killing everything for me. I get so jealous of how the older generations interacted with music and art overall. S*** was just more special.
My parents grew up with Marvin Gaye, Prince, MJ, Bowie, Pink Floyd, James Brown, Prime Stevie Wonder etc. That’s CRAZY.
People rate Bruno so much higher than he should be, he’s mostly just an amazing performer and talent but his music is not groundbreaking or earth shattering at all
Weeknd isn't that great of a performer but he has some great songs, I'd say both are overrated for only being around a decade in music
I don't think anyone is saying this
It’s the go to red herring for Weeknd stans whenever they say some stupid ass s*** and get called on it lol
Imagine describing The Weeknd as an amazing performer but mediocre music
it's the opposite if anything
It’s the go to red herring for Weeknd stans whenever they say some stupid ass s*** and get called on it lol
This is a moronic way of thinking and really closed minded.
Hope this helps.
Next time don’t reply to me if u don’t want to talk about it
Hope this helps
Like I get why people hesitate to call The Weeknd a legend, cause he’s really not an MJ or Prince, but he has managed to craft each era into a story and a big deal. It makes sense since he’s so much of an art and film buff
I think the main difference is that people actually care about Weeknd as a person and he has a big persona that connects people to the music whereas no one really cares about Bruno Mars himself, just his big songs
I mean this same thing can be said about Weeknd
The Weeknd isn’t an amazing performer or talent, he’s much better at creating a sonic world in the music. And to his credit, there’s not many albums that sound like kiss land and even his pop tracks aren’t really all that similar to what others are putting out
Also people aren’t consuming music/media the same way as they did in the 70s/80s. It’s way too easy for people to have their niche and stick with that, and never hear a Weeknd song once in their life.
Is this it an absolute classic though
I agree, but their career trajectory is a different story lol i'm just glad they're still around and releasing decent music
Imagine describing The Weeknd as an amazing performer but mediocre music
Opposite if anything. Music is amazing but he doesn’t have superstar level stage presence when thinking about the legends from yesteryear.
Then he’s not a legend period. U either say he’s a legend and make the comparison or u don’t
Ok so MJ isn’t a legend because he’s not frank Sinatra end of discussion thanks king