  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    need to know as well

    Maybe take her off your ktt2 cover

  • Apr 5, 2021

    i dont really have a passion like that. Im finishing school without any passion behind it

    Passion can be a hobby or career you love. You might not have discovered it. Just be happy but don’t let success with women dictate your joy.

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Maybe take her off your ktt2 cover

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    cover ?

  • Apr 5, 2021
    2 replies

    cover ?

    Above your profile when u click it

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Above your profile when u click it

    im dead

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Above your profile when u click it

    look at my new avy its basically me

  • Apr 5, 2021
    3 replies

    You mean going out of your way to appease a girl where she clearly doesn't like you back?

    in that sense yeah that's pretty f***in bad lmao but girls can be tricky too, I kinda feel for OP a lil bit bc a lot of girls these days don't even know what they want and kind of just string guys along by playing nice and keeping them around almost as like a back up plan until they finally find what they're looking for, if you're super attracted to a girl it's hard to even notice you're doing it sometimes, especially if like I said, they're just playing nice and pretending to be interested back and keeping you around bc it benefits them in some way

  • Yes

  • Apr 5, 2021
    3 replies
    big stepper renzo

    in that sense yeah that's pretty f***in bad lmao but girls can be tricky too, I kinda feel for OP a lil bit bc a lot of girls these days don't even know what they want and kind of just string guys along by playing nice and keeping them around almost as like a back up plan until they finally find what they're looking for, if you're super attracted to a girl it's hard to even notice you're doing it sometimes, especially if like I said, they're just playing nice and pretending to be interested back and keeping you around bc it benefits them in some way

    there are a couple of girls at my work that i don’t find attractive, but i actually care about them as friends, like i even talk to them on IG and snap everyday. I honestly f*** with then a lot, but i would never hit on them or anything like that. Is that simping or ?

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    there are a couple of girls at my work that i don’t find attractive, but i actually care about them as friends, like i even talk to them on IG and snap everyday. I honestly f*** with then a lot, but i would never hit on them or anything like that. Is that simping or ?

    No bro that's just having friends who happen to be female

  • Apr 5, 2021
    2 replies

    When you have a female “simp” for you and you don’t feel mutual

    and understand the dichotomy you’re putting yourself in when you do that to other people

    Certain s*** u just don’t get until years of seeing it happen over and over. Don’t stress s*** let it flow to you

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply
    big stepper renzo

    No bro that's just having friends who happen to be female

    yeah nigga u right but one of them plans on moving to europe after summer and that makes me sad af cuz i f*** with her. obv only as a friend. I should not care that much. I have gotten too attached to them since we been working together everyday for the last year. maybe it is normal and im just trippinh because we rly cool

  • Apr 5, 2021

    because i am struggling rn

    Stop putting them on a pedestal. They s*** and bleed just like you do

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    the last dumb thing i did was talk to a girl at work whenever i saw her and then end up thinking about her 24/7 and basically falling in love with her to the point where i couldn’t do my job without her there, even tho we had NO RELATIONSHIP - im over that girl now tho - worst part is she isn’t even that good looking i kid u not. idk why i was tripping like that

    Do you get any play? Do you just fall easily?

  • Apr 5, 2021

    When you have a female “simp” for you and you don’t feel mutual

    and understand the dichotomy you’re putting yourself in when you do that to other people

    Certain s*** u just don’t get until years of seeing it happen over and over. Don’t stress s*** let it flow to you

  • Apr 5, 2021
    2 replies

    once you realize that forcing something isn’t the way to go and only makes a girl uncomfortable. focus on yourself, go to the gym, etc. and the rest will come naturally. (Note: doesn’t work if you’re 5’6 or below)

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Do you get any play? Do you just fall easily?

    yeah nigga whats so dumb about this is that when i was simping over the girl u quoted, i was actually talking to another girl, but i never had any type of feelings for her. On the other hand i was simping for this girl from work smh.

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    the last dumb thing i did was talk to a girl at work whenever i saw her and then end up thinking about her 24/7 and basically falling in love with her to the point where i couldn’t do my job without her there, even tho we had NO RELATIONSHIP - im over that girl now tho - worst part is she isn’t even that good looking i kid u not. idk why i was tripping like that

    You’re projecting the dopamine and positive experience you presume having a girlfriend would be onto her because of passing moments of comfort while talking to her

    Go shoot your shot @ her (or the next girl you start to do this with) so you can burst that bubble and come back to reality and don’t end up doing this with every cute girl you can hold a convo with until you’re 40 and settle for the first girl who fw you when you finally get the nuts to attempt that next level

  • Hlland

    yeah nigga u right but one of them plans on moving to europe after summer and that makes me sad af cuz i f*** with her. obv only as a friend. I should not care that much. I have gotten too attached to them since we been working together everyday for the last year. maybe it is normal and im just trippinh because we rly cool

    You got a friend that you see almost everyday moving out of the country, it's understandable you'd a lil upset about that, you'd be the same if that friend was a guy too, their gender doesn't really matter tbh unless you do have feelings for them that do go beyond friendship but you said you don't so

    Nothing about that is being a simp homie

  • Apr 5, 2021

    find another simp and life is good again that's what i did...

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    You didn’t get your heart shattered in high school causing you to develop an adamantium shield around your emotions and a subconscious disdain for women for the rest of your life?

  • user

    You’re projecting the dopamine and positive experience you presume having a girlfriend would be onto her because of passing moments of comfort while talking to her

    Go shoot your shot @ her (or the next girl you start to do this with) so you can burst that bubble and come back to reality and don’t end up doing this with every cute girl you can hold a convo with until you’re 40 and settle for the first girl who fw you when you finally get the nuts to attempt that next level

    @op listen to this

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Having s***with different women.

    Realizing that Noone is perfect and everyone got flaws and baggage