  • Apr 5, 2021

    Having girls as friends and caring about them isnt simping.

    Not being able to do your job over one just because u get butterflies and your pee-pee gets hard is.

    Change takes time. Just catch yourself everytime you feel yourself being too extra and you'll be good in a couple months.

    Having female friends already puts you ahead of 90% of niggas here. Gl

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Life experience OP. To ask this question you not learning from your mistakes. Be aware of your emotions in the moment so you don’t act on em, channel that energy and focus elsewhere. Simping is a curse fr.

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    I got a pill for you

    It’s not blue

  • simp for money.

    ps: don't simp for the money you woulda made with her

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Dudes who want chicks the most got no way of getting em, sad

  • Apr 5, 2021

    The only way to stop simping is to push through the barrier until you become a permanent couple forever.

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Stop giving af

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Simple tbh ... just need the mind for it once you have the capability to do so you are free to do what you want

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Thread title got me dead I’m fried

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Thread title got me dead I’m fried

    bro was dead on his knees typing it

  • Apr 5, 2021

    bro was dead on his knees typing it

    coughed out my vape hit when I read that one bro that was a 3 pointer
    Or if this UKTT you just scored like a long range goal or something

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Just be harder on yourself

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Those things I feel called emotions is just weakness

    Sure that's a flawed perspective but once you get in the hole of no emotion digging yourself out isn't that bad

  • Shammy

    Those things I feel called emotions is just weakness

    Sure that's a flawed perspective but once you get in the hole of no emotion digging yourself out isn't that bad

    My thoughts

    Op must and will go cold.

    Only once you’ve had a time where you’ve been truly cold can you then be moderate with your warmth

  • Apr 5, 2021

    bro this was 6-7 months ago. I still struggle, but not like that. I have not done anything close to that since then. And im not gonna act like that ever again. That was the highest level off simping oat

  • Apr 5, 2021

    we are so lost as a people man

    no offense, but you seem like a good guy op

    don’t get caught up with the culture. simping is real and it’s a bad habit, but ppl conflate it with authentic kindness.

    just nurture ur self, focus on what you care about, develop ur talents, hit the gym, and make sure your head on straight.

    you gonna be good bro be easy, don’t stress about no shawty, don’t stress about no nigga making you thing you gotta be cuffed

    you got ktt on your back

    people be looking at me like im simping over them sometimes, which is not the case. I just f*** with them a lot. They are really easy to relate to. also you get attached when you work together everyday for a year. i consider them good people man

  • Apr 5, 2021

    once you realize that forcing something isn’t the way to go and only makes a girl uncomfortable. focus on yourself, go to the gym, etc. and the rest will come naturally. (Note: doesn’t work if you’re 5’6 or below)

    Why do you have to mention the height part?

  • Apr 5, 2021

    You just love yourself to the point where the absence of others do not impact you. You’ve been placing too much importance on the love from others brother

  • Apr 5, 2021

    made the discord hit me on ig with your username (that's how it works right?)

    bet bet bet

  • Apr 5, 2021
    Bo Ceephus

    Having s***with different women.

    Realizing that Noone is perfect and everyone got flaws and baggage

    If you wanna get over her, get under someone else. 👌🏾

  • Apr 5, 2021

    i dont really have a passion like that. Im finishing school without any passion behind it

    Your new passion is now drawing. Start learning how to draw. You’re welcome yo.

  • Apr 5, 2021

    I mean I feel like you’ll get played enough times to where you eventually become a demon. Or if you’re pure of heart you become a hopeless romantic.

    And stop basing your self worth and happiness over some coochie. She not gonna put food in your stomach or keep you employed or help you graduate college. She’s just one aspect of your life.

    Just know that if a girl is healthy emotionally and mentally, if she fw you she will let you know without question. All this s*** about girls playing games is that they playing them with YOU , cuz I guarantee you she is giving her undivided attention and intentions to some other nigga out there.

  • Nov 2, 2022
    big stepper renzo

    in that sense yeah that's pretty f***in bad lmao but girls can be tricky too, I kinda feel for OP a lil bit bc a lot of girls these days don't even know what they want and kind of just string guys along by playing nice and keeping them around almost as like a back up plan until they finally find what they're looking for, if you're super attracted to a girl it's hard to even notice you're doing it sometimes, especially if like I said, they're just playing nice and pretending to be interested back and keeping you around bc it benefits them in some way


  • Nov 2, 2022

    we are so lost as a people man

    no offense, but you seem like a good guy op

    don’t get caught up with the culture. simping is real and it’s a bad habit, but ppl conflate it with authentic kindness.

    just nurture ur self, focus on what you care about, develop ur talents, hit the gym, and make sure your head on straight.

    you gonna be good bro be easy, don’t stress about no shawty, don’t stress about no nigga making you thing you gotta be cuffed

    you got ktt on your back
