No because everyone is recommending Travis and asap rocky as “psychedelic” artist.
How is rocky not a psychedelic artist
No because everyone is recommending Travis and asap rocky as “psychedelic” artist.
TESTING is psychedelia, point blank. I would love to hear your argument on how it’s not. Travis flirts with it but doesn’t really go all the way, especially not anymore
i dont hear any psychedelia at all in their music
Reggae and if Schlagenhiem have psych vibes to me
But a more traditional band in the Psych category would be los b****os
can someone reply to me with psychedelic music because it feels like the definition and sound changes per user
AsTrOWoRlD brO
lol but fr it does sound like you’re tripping at an amusement park.
astroworld is full of psychedelic elements
It is i was just making fun of the people only thinking of Astroworld when hearing the term psychedelic
can someone reply to me with psychedelic music because it feels like the definition and sound changes per user This thread especially the OP chart is a good one for psychedelic music.
can someone reply to me with psychedelic music because it feels like the definition and sound changes per user
For me a psychedelic album is full of distorted guitar riffs, irregular drum beats, experimentation with few genres. Songs usually come out a little weird but surprisingly catchy.
This one came out yesterday and Ive basically had it on repeat ever since This thread especially the OP chart is a good one for psychedelic music.
i'm more looking for the post below yours. unless categorizing music as psychedelic is as simple as "oh that sounds psychedelic" what makes something psychedelic?
i'm more looking for the post below yours. unless categorizing music as psychedelic is as simple as "oh that sounds psychedelic" what makes something psychedelic?
I argue that it’s not that simple and the sonic structure does matter. Blonde and TESTING are both great examples because they do everything found in classic psychedelia and beyond just in a new form. Both have unconventional song structures, diverse sounding production and vocal performances, vocal phasing and shifting, use of harshness/softness in relation to noise and speed for effect, and more i could really go on. They also both heavily source from LSD and other psych experiences and tied them into the album pretty substantially. They both portray the emotional spectrum of a psychedelic experience really well and you feel like you’re sitting in their mind the entire album, whether you’re sober or not. Something like tame impala new album does have a good amount of the sonics throughout but there is almost nothing actually unconventional or “psychedelic” about it outside of like a Posthomous Forgiveness. I have no understanding of the character of the album or what it’s trying to do even if i read the lyrics along. I have no idea who kevin parker is still, or what any of the songs have ever meant outside of basic tropes that aren’t expanded upon at all. Its surface level, well done psychedelic sounding alt pop but the actual substance isn’t there. Like others have said it’s more like “neo-psych”
i'm more looking for the post below yours. unless categorizing music as psychedelic is as simple as "oh that sounds psychedelic" what makes something psychedelic?
psychedelic music mimics the effects of taking psychedelics so it’s really characterized by making you experience “auditory hallucinations”
basically just music that’s supposed to f*** your mind
usually this includes the use of panning, flangers, phasers, distortion on guitars, filter sweeps, and a lot of delays, especially on vocals. also a lot of weird “textures” added to the music like white noise or natural sounds like the ocean or the woods for example
listen to this with headphones, this is accessible and puts it in a nutshell imo:
listen to this type of music on psychedelic d**** and your love for music will exponentially multiply
@op are you looking for modern psych rock or just popular artists doing psychedelic music
@op are you looking for modern psych rock or just popular artists doing psychedelic music
More like what artists are doing psychedelia in what new forms it’s taking outside of neo psych. I actually totally agree with you on some rap songs and is a perfect example of what i’m talking about
i dont hear any psychedelia at all in their music
fr that’s avant-garde post punk s***
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. Is anyone making psychedelia right now that’s even worth listening to? I feel like basically no one is and when it is executed really well and done in a unique interesting way it’s not straight up psychedelia all the time but mixed with other genres (Blonde, TESTING). I feel like albums like that may be the new psychedelia if anything because they have an understanding and execution of it that other ‘psychedelic’ music completely lacks now. Mostly because ppl making it have completely sidelined the entire genesis of psychedelic music in the first place which is the process of taking psychedelics and creating. I’m curious what ppl who like this type of music think
Django Django
Cage The Elephant
All make some nice psych
Quantity over Quality: the band
no doubt, not tryna wade into 50 ambiguous drone riff albums