I have a comfortable corporate job, but at this point, I'm not looking to work hard/go above and beyond.
I don't need to be CEO or give my all in the office everyday. I'm perfectly fine with being average.
As long as I do what is asked of me and get my yearly/quarterly raises, I'm fine.
I know that sounds terrible, but I don't view my job as my life. I use the money from work to fund my actual real life. As soon as 5pm hits, work doesn't not exist to me.
Does anyone else feel like this?
It’s not terrible if it makes you happy. We aren’t here for a long time so the most important thing is achieving happiness
I feel like too in a way. 5pm I’m out. And i do not work a second over. I chill a lot during the work day as well (wfh/corporate) but I also do good work when I need to because I actually like what I do sometimes and enjoy it
Nah this is the best attitude to have towards work
My job is just an unfortunate means to a paycheck. As long as I’m doing enough to keep those coming idgaf
what u do 4 work? @op
Sounds like somebody has a case of the Mondays
Nah this is the best attitude to have towards work
My job is just an unfortunate means to a paycheck. As long as I’m doing enough to keep those coming idgaf
“ My job is just an unfortunate means to a paycheck. As long as I’m doing enough to keep those coming idgaf”
I work in a field that I’m interested in, but I don’t give AF about the people or work.
I work at an Advertising firm
so contributing to materialism and consumerism? not working hard is the moral thing to do
I work at an Advertising firm
how did u break in if u dont mind me asking not to be off topic
It’s fine if you’re working on your own but if you’re in a team and you’re not doing s*** then
Anyway I’m a hard worker, probably the third hardest (pause) but I’m prolly gonna get fired cause I purposely scare off customers if I don’t wanna deal with them like especially if they try to make conversation like I’m not here to make friends I’m just here to take your order, now take your damn smoothie and GTFO
What you’re describing is a normal, healthy relationship to have with a job. It’s completely normal to be average, that’s why it’s called average.
nah realistically these corporations don’t care ab you and they’ll drop you soon as it makes sense for them to. do your job well but don’t let it take too much of your life unless there are real incentives there that you care about
nah realistically these corporations don’t care ab you and they’ll drop you soon as it makes sense for them to. do your job well but don’t let it take too much of your life unless there are real incentives there that you care about
It’s not terrible if it makes you happy. We aren’t here for a long time so the most important thing is achieving happiness
no point in working yourself to death. do what you gotta do to get paid, make your union better so that they can't fire your ass for doing less.