Ideally (we don't live in this reality) everyone should be doing some form of "work" they have interest in, and at that point i would say kinda? depends what form working hard takes in that case, but one should want to work on passion, at least I think
how did u break in if u dont mind me asking not to be off topic
Man literally begging my way in back in back in 2015 lol.
I had previous experience as a project manager and parleyed that to work my in.
I sent emails to all of the agencies in my area to give me a chance.
What you’re describing is a normal, healthy relationship to have with a job. It’s completely normal to be average, that’s why it’s called average.
Yeah, my manager is an extremely hard worker. We only have to be in the office 3 days outta the week, and he's there every day at 8/8:30am lol.
I don't knock him for it, but I'm not interested in doing all of that. I don't need to be a "high achiever" this point. Just tell me what to do, I'll do it, and will collect a check.
no because most jobs aren't meaningful but instead just bureaucratic endeavors to perpetuate the capitalist machine
The goal is to be happy. Never sell your soul to a job. If you are doing your job then thats enough, if you wanna give an extra is fine but dont stress about it. Job is only a small fraction of your life. Keep working on your life goals and you would be fine.
I think it shows personality if you don’t shamelessly slave away. But I know that’s the standard. If you do your job well I think it’s okay to be a little lazy.
I have a comfortable corporate job, but at this point, I'm not looking to work hard/go above and beyond.
I don't need to be CEO or give my all in the office everyday. I'm perfectly fine with being average.
As long as I do what is asked of me and get my yearly/quarterly raises, I'm fine.
I know that sounds terrible, but I don't view my job as my life. I use the money from work to fund my actual real life. As soon as 5pm hits, work doesn't not exist to me.
Does anyone else feel like this?
sounds like the most normal s*** ever
sounds like the most normal s*** ever
I’m just over going above and beyond.
As long as the work is getting done, I really don’t feel the need to do that.
It’s weird because there’s a lot of people at my job who work on weekends/stay late. I have absolutely zero interest in doing that. Work is not my life. It funds my life.
I’m just over going above and beyond.
As long as the work is getting done, I really don’t feel the need to do that.
It’s weird because there’s a lot of people at my job who work on weekends/stay late. I have absolutely zero interest in doing that. Work is not my life. It funds my life.
yeah thats just feeding a lie and compensating for something going on in a person's life. hence so many psychos in the higher up positions. id be vague about your attitude at work though because some people are doing the most when they find out someone's not crunching their back 24/7
yeah thats just feeding a lie and compensating for something going on in a person's life. hence so many psychos in the higher up positions. id be vague about your attitude at work though because some people are doing the most when they find out someone's not crunching their back 24/7
Yeah that's how my manager is. Going into the office everyday. Sending emails during the weekends.
When people do this, I'm thinking to myself - "Do you not have anything else going on in your life?"
Join a union
I don’t think most corporate jobs (if any) have a union lol
I need my cushy desk job