  • Oct 7, 2022

    The sequel to an album that wasn't even finished ?

    Insert title here An Album by Kanye West

  • Oct 7, 2022

    It seems like every major episode he has seems to get worse, hopefully once he comes out of this one he actually commits to getting better bc he’s doing a lot of damage to himself rn

  • Oct 7, 2022

    I understand not wanting to be medicated but if this is the outcome I don’t see how this ends well for him. It’s just too destructive to sustain and it hurts nearly everyone that truly loves him

  • Oct 7, 2022
    1 reply

    Nah, we just bored so we’re entertaining it

    Yeah pretty much. I mean, personally this doesn't affect since I stopped looking up to Kanye around in the mid 2010s after his series of events then, but the music is what this is all about at the end of the day. I'm not gonna be the moral police with the s*** I listen to and the films I watch.

    Keeping in mind though, if he continues down this road, he'll severe ties which will delay his music indefinitely.

    But he's not even releasing good music anymore so it doesn't matter to me

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Oct 7, 2022
    1 reply

    he'll probably find something stupider and more controversial to say for attention tomorrow

    damn i was right

  • Oct 7, 2022

    Yeah pretty much. I mean, personally this doesn't affect since I stopped looking up to Kanye around in the mid 2010s after his series of events then, but the music is what this is all about at the end of the day. I'm not gonna be the moral police with the s*** I listen to and the films I watch.

    Keeping in mind though, if he continues down this road, he'll severe ties which will delay his music indefinitely.

    But he's not even releasing good music anymore so it doesn't matter to me

    I mean, the music isn't even that great. Donda was a step up from JIK, but it was a mess in places and really only got released because Def Jam made him do it. Donda 2 is incomplete, toxic garbage at this stage.

  • Oct 7, 2022
    2 replies

    damn i was right

    predictions for tomorrow?

  • madison beer guy

    predictions for tomorrow?

    I predict I will no longer be a fan at all of the artists formally known as KanYe West

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Oct 7, 2022
    1 reply
    madison beer guy

    predictions for tomorrow?

    he is going to do something very shocking this weekend and make national headlines

  • Oct 7, 2022

    Yes, I’m never wrong

  • Oct 8, 2022
    1 reply

    A combo of this and that, like now his fans and close friends are turning on him.

    Before it was just “I don’t have to agree with his politics”

    Now it’s “Oh nah, I can’t f*** wit dude. He’s really selfish, a d***head and be on some anti-black s***

    I mean yeah, but props to him for speaking his truth no natter how f***ed it is, he gives no f***s which is "bad" but hey balls of steel

  • Oct 8, 2022
    2 replies

    BLM a scam, where did all the funds go to? nowhere

  • Oct 8, 2022
    1 reply

    This new s*** is worse 😭

    I dont get how so just cause hes pro white life? how is that worse

  • Oct 8, 2022
    3 replies

    No people will forget about these few days and move on, he’ll have a period of being quiet where people say they miss him and he’ll come back and show his ass again

    Not sure how much more he can do at the point, he’s said all his late friends designs were s***, manipulated the media and his fans to get his daughter off TikTok, s*** shamed the mother of his children, sneak dissed his late mother, where he goes from there I’m not sure, it should be therapy

  • yesac

    No people will forget about these few days and move on, he’ll have a period of being quiet where people say they miss him and he’ll come back and show his ass again

    Not sure how much more he can do at the point, he’s said all his late friends designs were s***, manipulated the media and his fans to get his daughter off TikTok, s*** shamed the mother of his children, sneak dissed his late mother, where he goes from there I’m not sure, it should be therapy

  • Oct 8, 2022

    No people will forget about these few days and move on, he’ll have a period of being quiet where people say they miss him and he’ll come back and show his ass again

    Not sure how much more he can do at the point, he’s said all his late friends designs were s***, manipulated the media and his fans to get his daughter off TikTok, s*** shamed the mother of his children, sneak dissed his late mother, where he goes from there I’m not sure, it should be therapy

    Therapy would be the happy ending but that won’t happen

  • Oct 8, 2022

    It’s only the beginning

  • Oct 8, 2022

    BLM a scam, where did all the funds go to? nowhere

    it did go somewhere, it went to a mansion and to party supplies

  • Oct 8, 2022

    I wish

  • Oct 8, 2022

    I mean yeah, but props to him for speaking his truth no natter how f***ed it is, he gives no f***s which is "bad" but hey balls of steel

    Is it that or does he just intentionally say things BECAUSE they are “bad” for attention/money so he does give a f*** and it’s barely his truth, besides the truth of him having lost the plot

  • Oct 8, 2022

    No people will forget about these few days and move on, he’ll have a period of being quiet where people say they miss him and he’ll come back and show his ass again

    Not sure how much more he can do at the point, he’s said all his late friends designs were s***, manipulated the media and his fans to get his daughter off TikTok, s*** shamed the mother of his children, sneak dissed his late mother, where he goes from there I’m not sure, it should be therapy

    And he’s still boys with Elon

  • Oct 8, 2022

    I don’t even wanna wear his shoes anymore

    wut size u wear, send em my way

  • Oct 8, 2022

    It's been over for a minute.

  • JUUL

    BLM a scam, where did all the funds go to? nowhere

    BLM the organization? Yeah

    But BLM the grassroots movement which is fully separate from the organization absolutely isn't

  • Oct 8, 2022
    1 reply

    I dont get how so just cause hes pro white life? how is that worse

    The problem is in the context

    Nobody is saying white people don't matter or whatever but black people still suffer from systemic social and economic discrimination and racism in the US that white people (like myself) will never truly experience. In the eyes of the system for all intents and purposes black lives do not matter and that's why BLM is important.

    White lives matter/all lives matter are white supremacist dog whistles and distractions that
    serve no other pourposes other than to detract from the meaning of and importance of BLM
