Dawg the Japanese been selling teen girls used panties in vending machines before that.
Somehow I knew you’d bring this up lol
Them niggas definitely pervs but idk if that’s quite as weird as purchasing bath water from the internet to do god knows what with
we celebrate random hoes in America like no other
unfortunately not, it’s just the beginning. The kids are learning and growing off this s*** at a very young age. We were lucky to at least have a normal childhood.
The thought of this makes me so depressed. We are going to watch society crumble. I feel like an old head saying that lol
It wasn’t necessarily bad to have role models back in the day though. It was relatively normal until social media chimed in, that’s when s*** hit the fan. I’ll admit, s*** ripped me of my identity, now I struggle to put the pieces back together of who I truly am/was. Hate to admit that but it’s something I’m working to fix every single day.
i get why they would try to say that.
but celeb culture will be around as long as there is a class / division system.
no, its just the beginning of the influencer->onlyfans pipeline
hoes been around for decades. this is just technology creeping in
people will like what they like and will always be influenced
there will always be celebrity but now its easier than ever go to tmz youtube channel right now bet half of it is tik tok stars at the airport
celebrity will always be a thing in culture but the longevity is taking an incredible downfall and rightfully so because none of these new celebrities are talented in any way all we can hope is that they use their voice for good