I feel like yachty came into the game getting more hate than most rappers ever do
it was kind of like a vaccine against being hated later in his career. he already went through that stage. so i dont foresee op's trend watch coming to fruition
it was kind of like a vaccine against being hated later in his career. he already went through that stage. so i dont foresee op's trend watch coming to fruition
My thoughts exactly. He’s been hated to death so much in the early days of career I feel like he’s been inoculated to it
I was gonna hate on him until I saw this post
Please don't f*** me up Thom Bjork
Watch yourself
He is completely right even if it wasn’t the cool thing to say
no it's a dumb tweet. how are u a rapper, where ur job is literally only to have ppl care abt what u say and care abt ur persona, and then u get mad when ppl care what u say and care abt what ur doing.
and there was no obsession dude dissed uzi for no reason ppl just confused
Should stick with the rock s***
He’s innovating in two genres
We need him in both lanes
A rising boat lifts all tides
to each their own
Bro that TD song & Tierra whack I still get upset she didn’t ever capitalize off Whack World. We got 4 singles a few years later & that was it lmao.
I’ll listen to slide tonight
capitalize? that s*** dont even got 1m views
The Lil Yatchy resurgence is suspicious asf. It reminds me of when all the gourmet food internet content started pushing tinned seafood in like every video.
They tried to sell it as a sophisticated midweek meal option when really we're just in a recession.
damn this deep s*** lol
Yachty does make timeless music
It wouldn’t be good in any time
been seeing ppl s***ting on dude, is he due for a cudi type gradual switchup from respected to hated?
Switch up? He just started becoming somewhat of a serious musician on some Childish Gambino s*** but he has significantly less talent and people are kinda seeing pass the facade.
damn this deep s*** lol
I honestly didn't think anyone would know what i was talking about. I'm glad the point came across properly.
He seems arrogant and his music is mediocre. I will say his taste in fashion is on point though. But he's following the Kanye, Pharrell blueprint so he's not really an innovator in that regard either.