Nah you said that's an indication that he hasn't peaked yet but the examples you gave is weaker than his older material. So how in the world do you think he isn't pas his prime?
they love him, they they hate him, then they love him again, then they hate him once again
yachty discourse just overcorrects one way or the other every time he comes into the spotlight
that rock album was over gassed now he’s coming back down to earth
the uzi diss that was clearly an uzi diss that he pretended wasn't an uzi diss and told us we were losers for recognizing what is obviously an uzi diss and said we were wrong just for it to come out that the unreleased version of the uzi diss said he'd rather drink an onion smoothie than work with uzi was pretty bad and he's a p**** idiot for pretending it wasn't what it obviously was
but fr i have not nor will i ever take this man seriously after
but fr i have not nor will i ever take this man seriously after
! is fun
Dude was awful before Michigan boy boat everything since then been solid besides the weirdo album
that was definitely a catalyst but i think u can trace it back to that psychedelic album
it was definitely when he tried to hop on Detroit beats lol
Dude was awful before Michigan boy boat everything since then been solid besides the weirdo album
Yeah I’m confused on when people didn’t think he was s***ty this whole time aside from Michigan boy Boat and a few hard cuts here and there. He’s been on a decent run from Poland thru all the Waterfall singles but he’s still just…Yachty lol
I’m growing to appreciate his presence in the culture bc of the pod and concrete looks to be shaping up as a nice label but he’s still pretty ass at actually rapping but that’s okay
cudi fell off after two classic albums. yachty aint got no classic projects. dont ever compare the two again
the thing w this is yachty has had haters since 2016/17 who probably didnt even know he was on a nice little run, so he has a built in hatebase
the thing w this is yachty has had haters since 2016/17 who probably didnt even know he was on a nice little run, so he has a built in hatebase
been seeing ppl s***ting on dude, is he due for a cudi type gradual switchup from respected to hated?
Nah it aint really a switch up ppl just remembered why they didn't ever really like Yachty personality in the first place...
Seems like the guy aint matured since he was a teen
Bro that TD song & Tierra whack I still get upset she didn’t ever capitalize off Whack World. We got 4 singles a few years later & that was it lmao.
I’ll listen to slide tonight
Whack World was a dope concept. Ngl, expected her to be out here already
Whack World was a dope concept. Ngl, expected her to be out here already
It truly pisses me off & makes me sad lmao. She had so much potential smh
Whack World was a dope concept. Ngl, expected her to be out here already
I feel like she got some money and said yeah I’m out lol
but fr i have not nor will i ever take this man seriously after
! did it better
Always been hated for the most part.
I think his recent perceived arrogance is just how he truly feels now that he's doing bigger things after all the years of being labeled the worst rapper out of his new gen class.
He gonna stunt on niggas now lol.
it was definitely when he tried to hop on Detroit beats lol
i liked that tho i never saw hate for that