If it’s what i think u talm bout then 21 and yachty is half of that crodie
i meant frank legit i’m mad tired
If it’s what i think u talm bout then 21 and yachty is half of that crodie
i dead was tryna say the “i’m pulling a frank ocean” is mad corny bc frank dropped legit two generational records
like nigga legit dropped this on his escape record and niggas tryna compare that to EA2, FATD…
Lmao now Drake finally admitting his music is low effort garbage
I love this year
Your iq worries me
I don’t think it’s true, but if it is, the image of Drake releasing several projects he considers to be trash in a row, without fear of his career stalling, because he knows the brand and being #1 is all that matters to his core base is pretty funny.
Imagine the egg on every Drake stan's face if it turned out the albums they convinced themselves were classics and spent years defending were intentionally garbage
Forget drake, people latching on the lil uzi narrative as if he hasn’t been consistently a disappointment since after lir2 is unreal
Your iq worries me
I know it's bullshit spread by someone with no intel for engagement but this is KTT and we're just having fun in here
this is cope, he’s definitely been trying. fatd was literally him desperately trying to appeal to the rage/sexxy red crowd. her loss was excellent tho.
I can’t speak on Drake’s deal because I don’t know the details but if it’s true that Uzi only had to drop one last album then I totally believe he held on to some songs for after the fact
I know artists who have done something like that in their smaller distro deals
however you would only announce that you did that if you first got called out for it being bad lol. I’d imagine most artists would just pass it off if their fans liked it. it’s def a cope narrative to run with
Drake 100% has a ton of music in the vault so I’m sure he’s holding on to some good ones
dork stans gonna go from calling FATD a classic to a purposefully mid album made to f*** over UMG
Problem for UMG is: if Drake deserves it, many artists do
What I haven’t been understanding is the Drake stans who keep trying to say that Drake is the one “keeping the lights on” at Universal, like did they forget that Taylor Swift exists?
@S please make this happen
yea this is a feature i remember ktt1 having and it was used often
Ish the only drake d*** eater on jbp of course he gonna try and defend his lightskin brother
Considering CLB, Her Loss, and FATD aren’t mid, imma say cap
CLB & FATD were definitely mid lmao
Her Loss was surprisingly great
For now on that's gonna be the newest cope going forward with musicians who drop mid music
"Nah fam, I purposely made my music mid just to stick to to the man!"
No I think Drake just not cutting fat or trying to be concise and trying to make hits and stuff because that’s more interesting than actually making music
Drake more interested in being a celeb and tea than rapping seemingly
No I think Drake just not cutting fat or trying to be concise and trying to make hits and stuff because that’s more interesting than actually making music
Drake more interested in being a celeb and tea than rapping seemingly
Hes the only one still known for the music
Those are LITERALLY the definition of mid
Her Loss isn’t mid to me but Scorpion, DLDT, CLB and FATD are
The problem with this theory is that it implies the music he was making when he was happy with UMG was at a significantly higher quality and I just dont think that it was.
Views/Scorpion/More Life were made when his relationship with UMG was still strong and I think you could make the same criticisms of those as you could about the post covid releases.