  • Nov 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Iā€™ve fallen asleep in Sujood due to exhaustion from work lmaooo, just admit you soft & fk off with it.

    Iā€™ve done Wudhu with frozen water in Canadian winters fam, I canā€™t believe what youā€™re saying rn.

    Youā€™ve got mfs in comas still raising their right index fingers in Shahada, you donā€™t feel ashamed giving these excuses?

    Why are you judging me

  • Nov 26, 2020

    One thing I need help with brothers is, I swear too much. It rolls off the tongue. Iā€™m very confrontational in real life, and swear easily.

    My father was the same. His father was the same. Astaghfirulla I need help.

    I feel like it takes away from my character as a man

    I have this exact issue, I have a super foul mouth

  • Nov 26, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Why are you judging me

    Cuz you giving b**** ass excuses? tf Iā€™m supposed to do? Kiss you on the cheek & tell you everything great, even though you out on bond & might be facing 8 (in Jahanam)?

  • Nov 26, 2020
    2 replies

    Cuz you giving b**** ass excuses? tf Iā€™m supposed to do? Kiss you on the cheek & tell you everything great, even though you out on bond & might be facing 8 (in Jahanam)?

    Youā€™re not supposed to judge other people thatā€™s what it says in the quran, my relationship with god is something you canā€™t judge thatā€™s haram

  • Nov 26, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Youā€™re not supposed to judge other people thatā€™s what it says in the quran, my relationship with god is something you canā€™t judge thatā€™s haram

    Iā€™m pretty sure God appreciates me checking you on your self-pitied bullshit over me feeling a certain emotion thatā€™s not even outwardly harmful to another human being.

    Wtv, we could go back & forth, just know I AM a knuckle-headed narcissist, but Iā€™m honest

  • Nov 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Iā€™m pretty sure God appreciates me checking you on your self-pitied bullshit over me feeling a certain emotion thatā€™s not even outwardly harmful to another human being.

    Wtv, we could go back & forth, just know I AM a knuckle-headed narcissist, but Iā€™m honest

    Itā€™s all love, iā€™m not mad at you or anyone else in here. I get where youā€™re coming from too, it might sound like iā€™m making excuses and i could be but at the same time i know whatā€™s going on in my life rn and i donā€™t feel like iā€™m making excuses. It is what it is though, hopefully i can improve

  • Nov 26, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Itā€™s all love, iā€™m not mad at you or anyone else in here. I get where youā€™re coming from too, it might sound like iā€™m making excuses and i could be but at the same time i know whatā€™s going on in my life rn and i donā€™t feel like iā€™m making excuses. It is what it is though, hopefully i can improve

    Man I had to delete a post I just made flaming you cuz you made this beautiful ass self-reflective post

    I was literally where you were at, again, I literally made a post a page back where I said I used to SERIOUSLY disregard Salaat.

    Pull yourself up & out of it bro, donā€™t let the ugly red cocksucker win.


    Man I had to delete a post I just made flaming you cuz you made this beautiful ass self-reflective post

    I was literally where you were at, again, I literally made a post a page back where I said I used to SERIOUSLY disregard Salaat.

    Pull yourself up & out of it bro, donā€™t let the ugly red cocksucker win.

  • Nov 26, 2020

    2020 was struggle my brothers

  • Nov 26, 2020

    The selfish reason I wish to achieve Jannah (inshallah), is so that I can request God to let me be the one to do the honours with the red-horned cocksucker.

    Iā€™d love to make love to the mf in front of the entire Ummah

    Itā€™s all his fault.

  • Nov 26, 2020
    Nine Arts Dragon

    Youā€™re not supposed to judge other people thatā€™s what it says in the quran, my relationship with god is something you canā€™t judge thatā€™s haram

    not true.

    Go read Surah Maidah ayah 48-49 and Bukhari 2641

  • Nov 26, 2020

    One thing I need help with brothers is, I swear too much. It rolls off the tongue. Iā€™m very confrontational in real life, and swear easily.

    My father was the same. His father was the same. Astaghfirulla I need help.

    I feel like it takes away from my character as a man

    Evil words are for evil men, and evil men are subjected to evil words. And good words are for good men, and good men are an object of good words. Those good people are declared innocent of what the slanderers say. For them is forgiveness and noble provision.
    An-Nur, Ayah 26

    make a conscious effort to stop and if you slip up make sure to repent. Easiest dhikr to dissolve these sins is: Allahumma antas salam wa ninjas salam, tabarakta ya Dhul Jaā€™lalli Wal Ikram, Allahumma aā€™inni ala dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa hussn ibadik, Allahu Akbar 1x, Istaghfurullah 3x, Subhanallah, Alhamdullilah, and Allahu Akbar 33x each, La illaha ilallah, wahduhu la shareekala, lahul mulku wa lahul hamd, wa huwa aā€™la kulli shayin qadeer 1x, Ayatul Kursi, and the 3 Quls after every salah.

    Takes 5 minutes

  • Dec 8, 2020
    2 replies

    She's probably and egyptian coptic christian trying to mock us
    astaghfirullah, look at her necklace

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    it's kind of insane how much orientalist bullshit islam is exposed to like, this isn't an obscure religion by any means. i mean s*** like non-muslims recontexualizing the deen as being mystical and ritualistic, "wow they pray to muhammad and fast for 30 days straight and call each other 'brother' and 'sister' say things like 'inshaallah' to everything." does this make sense? i can't stand it.

  • Dec 19, 2020
    2 replies
    Ā· edited

    it's kind of insane how much orientalist bullshit islam is exposed to like, this isn't an obscure religion by any means. i mean s*** like non-muslims recontexualizing the deen as being mystical and ritualistic, "wow they pray to muhammad and fast for 30 days straight and call each other 'brother' and 'sister' say things like 'inshaallah' to everything." does this make sense? i can't stand it.

    It was narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:

    "In his Khutbah the Messenger of Allah (ļ·ŗ) used to praise Allah as He deserves to be praised, then he would say: 'Whomsoever Allah (SWT) guides, none can lead him astray, and whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide. The truest of word is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst of things are those that are newly invented; every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire.' Then he said: 'The Hour and I have been sent like these two.' Whenever he mentioned the Hour, his cheeks would turn red, and he would raise his voice and become angry, as if he were warning of an approaching army and saying: 'An army is coming to attack you in the morning, or in the evening!' (Then he said): 'Whoever leaves behind wealth, it is for his family, and whoever leaves behind a debt or dependents, then these are my responsibility, and I am the most entitled to take care of the believers.'"

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    It was narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:

    "In his Khutbah the Messenger of Allah (ļ·ŗ) used to praise Allah as He deserves to be praised, then he would say: 'Whomsoever Allah (SWT) guides, none can lead him astray, and whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide. The truest of word is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst of things are those that are newly invented; every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire.' Then he said: 'The Hour and I have been sent like these two.' Whenever he mentioned the Hour, his cheeks would turn red, and he would raise his voice and become angry, as if he were warning of an approaching army and saying: 'An army is coming to attack you in the morning, or in the evening!' (Then he said): 'Whoever leaves behind wealth, it is for his family, and whoever leaves behind a debt or dependents, then these are my responsibility, and I am the most entitled to take care of the believers.'"

    can you explain what this hadith entails as it relates to my post? not trying to be rude at all, just a bit confused

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    It was narrated that Jabir bin 'Abdullah said:

    "In his Khutbah the Messenger of Allah (ļ·ŗ) used to praise Allah as He deserves to be praised, then he would say: 'Whomsoever Allah (SWT) guides, none can lead him astray, and whomsoever Allah sends astray, none can guide. The truest of word is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The worst of things are those that are newly invented; every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going astray, and every going astray is in the Fire.' Then he said: 'The Hour and I have been sent like these two.' Whenever he mentioned the Hour, his cheeks would turn red, and he would raise his voice and become angry, as if he were warning of an approaching army and saying: 'An army is coming to attack you in the morning, or in the evening!' (Then he said): 'Whoever leaves behind wealth, it is for his family, and whoever leaves behind a debt or dependents, then these are my responsibility, and I am the most entitled to take care of the believers.'"

    What did the prophet mean by ā€œinnovation is badā€?

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    can you explain what this hadith entails as it relates to my post? not trying to be rude at all, just a bit confused

    Muslimeen opened the doors for all this misguidance when they stopped hearing and obeying the Qurā€™an and Sunnah and left the knowledge of the best generations as something of the past.

  • Dec 19, 2020
    2 replies

    What did the prophet mean by ā€œinnovation is badā€?

    He, ā€˜alayhi salatu wa salam, is speaking about Biā€™dah (innovation) which is anything invented into Islam after time of Prophet peace be upon him, his Companions, and the Tabiā€™in

    For example, those sufi Dhikr circles are Biā€™dah, Mawlid(Prophets Birthday Celebration) is biā€™dah, invoking the dead is Biā€™dah, and so on.

    We have been given deen ul haqq in its complete and perfect form, as said in Surah Maiā€™dah Ayah 3

    ā€˜This day I have completed your Religion for you, and I have perfected My favor upon you, and I am pleased with Islaam as a Religion for you.ā€˜

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    Muslimeen opened the doors for all this misguidance when they stopped hearing and obeying the Qurā€™an and Sunnah and left the knowledge of the best generations as something of the past.

    i probably should've clarified that i was bothered by non-muslims specifically "objectifying" islam. even minor things like them saying "inshallah brother" as a joke pisses me off, as if that's some weird mystical phrase they're getting a kick out of

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    i probably should've clarified that i was bothered by non-muslims specifically "objectifying" islam. even minor things like them saying "inshallah brother" as a joke pisses me off, as if that's some weird mystical phrase they're getting a kick out of

    yes, like i said, this is what happens when the muslims themselves have no gheerah for the deen. And no gheerah happens when you arenā€™t adhering to the Qurā€™an and Sunnah and instead are heedless and hypocritical.

    but Ų§Ł„Ų­Ł…ŲÆŁ„Ł„Ł‡ weā€™ll never end up like the cuckold Xtians. They are rolling around in falsehood.

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    yes, like i said, this is what happens when the muslims themselves have no gheerah for the deen. And no gheerah happens when you arenā€™t adhering to the Qurā€™an and Sunnah and instead are heedless and hypocritical.

    but Ų§Ł„Ų­Ł…ŲÆŁ„Ł„Ł‡ weā€™ll never end up like the cuckold Xtians. They are rolling around in falsehood.

    i think people will make jokes regardless of the lengths in which muslims go to prevent them. making something harder to do only draws more people into doing it out of spite.

  • Dec 19, 2020
    1 reply

    He, ā€˜alayhi salatu wa salam, is speaking about Biā€™dah (innovation) which is anything invented into Islam after time of Prophet peace be upon him, his Companions, and the Tabiā€™in

    For example, those sufi Dhikr circles are Biā€™dah, Mawlid(Prophets Birthday Celebration) is biā€™dah, invoking the dead is Biā€™dah, and so on.

    We have been given deen ul haqq in its complete and perfect form, as said in Surah Maiā€™dah Ayah 3

    ā€˜This day I have completed your Religion for you, and I have perfected My favor upon you, and I am pleased with Islaam as a Religion for you.ā€˜

    Ahh I see, so he didnā€™t mean technology & stuff?

  • Dec 19, 2020

    i think people will make jokes regardless of the lengths in which muslims go to prevent them. making something harder to do only draws more people into doing it out of spite.

    That, but also - our leaders + defamation leagues are f***ing jokes, of all countries. There is no sense of community or sense of ā€œonenessā€ in our people.

    The people that should be leading us, & the same people taking credit for our inception - are content in riding around in gold-plated sports cars while orphans in their nation die of hunger.
