if i saw a fine islamic woman she basically off limits to the regular joe right?
if i saw a fine islamic woman she basically off limits to the regular joe right?
nah u can shoot ya shot
cant generalize
if i saw a fine islamic woman she basically off limits to the regular joe right?
She's not allowed to marry to a non-muslim, forget dating...
if i saw a fine islamic woman she basically off limits to the regular joe right?
"Islamic woman"
nah u can shoot ya shot
cant generalize
Nah it is sinful for Muslim women to marry non Muslim men
Nah it is sinful for Muslim women to marry non Muslim men
Simply because the man is usually dominant over the woman in the religious choices the children make
Nah it is sinful for Muslim women to marry non Muslim men
lotta people arent as religious as they seem when worldly things get involved
if i was him i wouldnt let that discourage me, especially knowing how some of these girls really are like.
am I the only one who's shook at how fast the last 12 months went by? like damn it's already ramadan again WTF
am I the only one who's shook at how fast the last 12 months went by? like damn it's already ramadan again WTF
It’s been wild man endtimes are near
Allahu (swt)‎ ua pranoftë dhe lehtësoft Agjërmin.
I hope everyone has a fruitful Ramazan. Spend as much time as possible with family!
First day of fasting always the hardest
the worst part is the caffeine withdrawal tbh
the worst part is the caffeine withdrawal tbh
It's water for me especially during warm temperatures
How much water yall drink before u sleep?
first ramadan without my mother, going through it man
first ramadan without my mother, going through it man
inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
That's tough brother. I lost both my grandparents in a space of a month and that was really difficult. May Allah make it easy for you especially during this month. I know how it feels since family is such a big thing during this time.